Part 2

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Marinette's Pov:

As the bright light fades. I'm greeted by a small bee-like creature. About the size of my palm. Now if I was a normal person this would be surprising. Usually, normal people would be flipping out. But since my best friend is obsessed with superheroes.

I've picked up enough to know that this is a kwamii. What helps. Our heroes transform. So, instead of flipping out, I bowed. Then I heard a small voice. "Hello, nice to meet you my names pollen. At your service my queen." I stared at the small creature.

I heard a cough. I looked up to see the man from before was still there. He spoke. "Excuse me, Miss Marinette, I know, that this is a lot to take in. But, I need to talk to you."

Suddenly I heard a crash. I rushed to look out the window. I spotted an explosion. I quickly turned around to face the old man then he spoke. "I'm afraid we have no time. We will talk about this. Further in the future at a different location."

He handed me a piece of paper. "Here. After this is over please go to this location." I only nodded. As the man was just leaving he spoke only 3 words. But, I understood exactly what they meant.

So I proceeded to put on the yellow hairpin. I look at the small yellow creature and repeat the words he spoke "Pollen Buzz on.

After I say those words a bright yellow light surrounds me. sucking the small creature into the Hairpin I'm wearing. I look in the mirror to see my usual attire has been swapped out for a completely yellow Jumpsuit.

Covered with black stripes. A weird spin top around my waist. Attached by a weird elastic string. My dark black pigtails now have yellow stripes in them. Along with a yellow and black mask covering my face.

I continue staring in the mirror admiring myself for a few minutes before hearing another crash from outside the window that's my cue I thought. As I proceeded to jump out the window head towards the explosion.

Adrien's Pov

As exit the car and head towards the park for my Photoshoot. I hear a nearby explosion a rush off to the nearest corner hide behind it. I speak "Plag claws out." And extend my weapon and head towards the explosion.

When I arrive and see another akumatized victim they called themselves construction savior. (I have no ideas) As the fight began I noticed Scarlet lady had arrived. Instead of helping me as she should be. she instead was constantly taking photos and pictures of herself saying."Oh, you've got it this one's too weak it's not worth my time.

I sigh as I roll my eyes "Whatever just make sure you get ready to purify the Akuma."I continue fighting. Out of nowhere girl who kind of looks like us but yellow appears. She tries to help me by distracting it.

Rapid fired she actually themes herself to be pretty helpful. Before I know it the fight is over. Turn around to look for scar and I just see her talking to the press again.

What I didn't expect though was to see this new girl helping the victim. She grabs the nearest blanket from the medical emergency car.

She comforts the victim telling them. "Sh, it okay everything's going to be okay."After the victim comes down and is talking with the authorities she walks over to me. I put my guard up waiting for her to declare a fight or something along those lines.

But instead, she put a fist out. I stare at her blankly. Then she spoke. "What you haven't fist-bumped anyone before?" she smirked at me with her fist still out. I blinked and then suddenly returned it when our fist met she said: "Pound it." She Smiled.

Marinette's Pov

Once I arrive at the scene I spot Chat Noir. Fighting the akumatized victim. clearly struggling while. Scarlet lady was taking photos of what appeared to be a bug cell phone.

I decided to put my fear behind me and rush over to try to help. While clearly, I wasn't much help I managed to help him defeat the enemy. After Scarlett lady Manages to purify the Akuma. I walked over to the De-akumatized victim. It was a little girl who looked 9 or so. She was crying when she saw me she came and hugged me.

I asked what had happened to make her so upset. She told me her mom has recently died faulty building construction that collapsed. While her mother was still inside. I looked at her in sympathy and asked why is that why she was so mad.

she nodded and said, "well my daddy told me." T-that (sniffs) t-the man who did this. The one re-responsible. cheated his way out and wouldn't be held responsible. For my (sniffs) Mommy's death." I look at her with my sympathetic eyes. After a while, she stops crying a police officer walks over. To bring her to her father.

As they walk away I took this moment to walk over to Chat Noir. To congratulate him on his victory. I walk up to him I put my fist in the air waiting for a fist bump instead of getting a confused look from him.

He looked puzzled while Scrunching his eyebrows while looking at me. I sort and responded "What? You haven't fist bump to anyone before?"

He stares at me before meeting his fists to mine. When our fist's touch I say "pound it." And smile. But instead of returning my smile, he stares. He gets close and says. "Who are you?" Very Sternly. I mean don't get me wrong. Chat is a very intimidating person at first glance. He's actually just a soft pun-loving cat.

So seeing him like this actually scary. He senses I'm afraid and stops glaring But, not before asking his question again. Before I have the chance to answer him. Alya runs up in both of our faces. "Woah that fight was awesome!" Chat shoots her a big grin. "Why thank you miss." While bowing.

Then she turns her focus to me. "So miss I saw you fighting. I just wanna say you looked cool "I looked at her and slightly bow. " W- well thank you Al- Miss." And awkwardly smile at her.

"Well, now that. That's out of the way. What's your name miss?"Chat responded with. " Yeah, I'd like to know too." I stare at both of them before saying " My name's Mari-" I freeze realizing I can't say my real name. Chat looks at me and says "Mari what?" I pause thinking for a moment. I respond with gold.

"Hello, my name's Marigold temporary holder of the bee miraculous." I bow "At your service."

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