part 4

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Has been kinda edited so kinda good.

Marinette Pov

After chat left. Pollen came out of hiding. She looked at me confused. I filled her in. After that, I began sewing the final touches to the bag. Once I was finished. I looked over to see pollen asleep.

I carefully put pollen on a small pillow and headed to bed myself. Sigh "Today was exhausting." I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning

Surprisingly I woke before my alarm. Looked at the clock. 7:30 I have about an hour before I need to get up. I decided to get ready and head to school early. I made sure to wear the bag I made and had pollen inside.

I stopped by the kitchen to get Adrien's coffee and croissant and a few packets of honey for pollen. I bid my parents goodbye and head to school. I'm almost there when... Suddenly I'm on the ground. There a boy on top of me I look into the familiar green eyes. I realized it's Adrien. He gets off me and quickly apologized.

He helped me up. "I'm sorry about your outfit." He looked ready to cry. "No, it's okay." Then I remembered pollen. "My bag." I spot it by his. I sigh full of relief. "Well, I guess I don't get coffee today." Adrien sighs and I see him pout.

I check my phone it's 8:03. I start to tease him. "Well can't have that now, can we? My little prince." I smirk and nudged his side. He looked at me confused. I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows. "Well, we got an hr before school starts. So if you want you can come with me to the bakery and get another coffee." I smile. "If you want to?"

He stares at me." A-are you sure? "Of course! I have to head back home anyway." I said pointing to my outfit. "Oh in really sorry about that." He looks at the ground sad "It's no problem really." I said waving my hands frantically."This gives me the excuse I needed anyway." He looked at me kind of confused. I told him.

"It finally allows me to wear one of the new outfits I made." I look at him. I spot the big coffee stain on his shirt. "Plus it looks like you might need one too." He looks at me. Then out his outfit. Sighs "Well this is embarrassing."

I laugh. "Well, I do have a few clothes that could fit you so let's hurry." We grab our bags and rush to my house. We barge in the door. My mother spots us and rushes to see if we're okay. I quickly head upstairs leaving Adrien to explain.

Adrien's Pov

After Mari leaves I explain to her mom what happened. I thought she was going to get mad but Instead, she started laughing. I looked at her confused. She noticed this. Quickly explained that stuff like this happens all the time.

But then she said. "I also saw you guys on the ground. When I was looking out the window."I can feel a slight blush across my cheeks. She then says "So you're the little prince she talks about every morning."

I look at her. Then I remembered that Marinette called me her prince. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I for sure was a blushing mess. Luckily Mari saved me from. my misery. By handing me a new set of clothes and pointing me towards the direction of the bathroom.

I took the clothes from her and headed towards the bathroom. Once I closed the door and had a good look at the outfit. I realized it was Chat Noir themed. Plagg took this as an opportunity. To fly out of my bag.

"Well look what we have here. My little prince." He said copying Mari. I just ignored him and changed. I walked out heading to there living room. To see Mari in a Chat Noir themed outfit too. Our outfits were couples matching clothes.

She must have noticed that I had noticed because she started quickly apologizing. Saying that these were all she had ready. "I don't mind. After all its, not like your Chloe." That made her laugh. I flashed a wide grin. Before laughing too.

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