Chapter 2

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Wassup yall! This chapter has some of Victoria's background/past from Adrian's POV.

Enjoy :)



Time crawled to a stop. I knew she was here, right in the shadow of the trees, only a few feet away. Her wintery scent swirled through the air, a twin with the wind. She was waiting. I was waiting. The whole world seemed to be waiting in that moment.

Then, a rustling of leaves. She stepped into the clearing.

I let go of a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

At first, all I could think of was how beautiful her wolf form was. Her coat a deep bluish black that faded into a light, shimmering silver. The moonlight's reflection in her dark, swirling eyes. Her elegant and sleek body, the regal way she held herself. She looked like a queen of the night.

But she was glaring at me. No, not glaring. It wasn't anger in her eyes. More like disbelief. Panic. Fear. Fear? I didn't get it. Was she afraid of me?

She looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place my finger on who she was. That is, until she spoke into my head.

What, are your eyes frozen or something? Or have you never seen a wolf this beautiful? Stop staring at me.

Just my luck. God dammit, why did it have to be her? With that much sass, there was no doubt about whom she was, because there was only one girl in camp who talked like she always had a stick up her ass.

Her name was Victoria. She didn't have a last name that anyone knew of, and she'd never offered one.

Victoria was one of the few wolves at camp not originally from the Black Forest pack. I remember when we found her two years ago. I was part of the scouting group that day. We were finishing up our round along the north boundary when we suddenly smelled the blood of another wolf. It was strong and potent, the kind that only purebloods have.

The scent was getting closer. We were all suddenly on guard, alert and scanning the area around us. A wounded pureblood could never mean anything good.

We kept waiting, but the wolf never showed. We could still smell the blood though. After debating on what to do, we decided to search for him, find out why he was in our territory. We found him at the base of a large oak tree, collapsed on the gnarled roots, unmoving and breathing shallowly. I signaled for the others to stay back and keep guard while I walked toward him. It wasn't until I was standing over his body when I realized I'd gotten the pronoun wrong. He was a she, and she was seriously wounded and unconscious. Not a good combination.

We ended up taking her back to camp and showing her to my father, the Alpha. He sent her directly to the healer, and when she finally woke up, there was a long discussion about what to do. She wouldn't answer any of our questions. She seemed to be in a lot of shock, and after trying but failing to get her to talk for the billionth time, everyone eventually gave up.

In the end, my dad let her stay. At first, everyone was interested in the new girl. Tried to be friends with her. But she never said a word. I think they all took pity on her, thought she lost her memory or something, but I suspected there was something more. I noticed the way her eyes constantly darted around, as if she were expecting someone to attack her. There was trauma in her eyes in her first few weeks at camp. Emotions buried deep deep deep down, but still existent, like she wanted to forget them but couldn't bring herself to let them go. As more time passed, she faded into the background, and people went about their normal activities.

And then one day, for the first time since her arrival, she came out of the small hut she stayed in. Any emotion in her eyes was gone, replaced by shiny, piercing orbs of obsidian, veiled with brittle ice. And when she first spoke to people, she acted like a bitch. She was rude and cared nothing for other people's feelings and I'm sure the only reason no one actually hated her was because of her appearance. Even I had to admit, she was beautiful. She was beautiful in a dark, supernatural way, with her shimmering black hair, pale porcelain face, dark, deep-set eyes. But her beauty only held her so high, only gave her so much leverage before her personality overshadowed her looks.

She became known as the ice queen who thought she was better than everyone else because she was a pretty pureblood, so uptight all the time. She never let anyone within five feet of her.

Since then I'd ignored her, paid her no attention because someone with that kind of attitude didn't deserve it, and life went on normally, and I forgot about her.

Until now.


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