Chapter 2: I Would

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Lately I found myself thinking

Been dreaming about you a lot

And up in my head I'm your boyfriend

But that's one thing you've already got



I walked into the bakery during my lunch break. I was not thrilled about eating alone. Usually I ate with the guys and Georgia Rose, but GR was on leave as she was almost due, Niall and Liam had to do a test launch, and Louis crashed a test rocket this morning, so he was sore and asked me to come pick up some lunch for him.

At the counter was Dawn, that girl Louis talked about all the time. I'm pretty sure he had a crush on her, but he just didn't realize it yet. Everytime I lunched with him at the bakery, he would just stare at and admire her.

"Hi Dawn, can I get whichever sandwich you recommend, and a piece of chocolate cake."

"Sure thing Harry! How are you doing? I haven't seen you recently."

"Well, I love your food but I can't eat here everyday like Louis." she laughed at that, but then I could tell she was confused that Louis was not there.

"Oh, Louis got injured this morning, so that's why I'm picking up lunch... I know you'd rather see him than me." I interjected.

"Oh no, I-I mean I love Louis, well not like love love, but I still think he's a great guy. But no, uh you're good to see too." Dawn said, obviously flustered. It was so annoying how these two were pining for each other but could not see it!

All of the sudden I got a text from Louis:

L: Remember to get a slice of carrot cake for Dawn!

H: What? You buy her cake now?

L: It's a nice thing to do!

H: If this is your way of flirting with her, it is very lame.

L: I'm not flirting with her! She just works long hours, and I want to make sure she is well fed.

H: She's a grown woman, I think she can handle organizing her own meals.

L: Just please do it! I'll pay you back.

H: Ugh, fine.

"Hey Dawn!" I called. "Can I also buy a slice of carrot cake for you?"

"Oh, sure..." she said, I caught her secretly smiling.

You & I (the Sequel to drag me down)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora