Chapter 10: Save You Tonight

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All that you want's under your nose, yeah

You should open your eyes but they stay closed, closed

I, I wanna save you

Wanna save your heart tonight


Georgia Rose

It was very awkward. Harry, Liam, Niall and I were in my hospital room with the babies. Liam and harry clearly were mad at each other, but I wasn't sure why. And frankly, I could'nt deal with them right now, because I had just given birth. Finally Niall made a suggestion to make it less awkward.

"Hey, I'm gonna go ask Louis if he wants to see the babies, even though he doesn't remember any of us!"


Louis walked in with a girl, who later introduced herself as Dawn. But it was weird.

Louis was wearing polka-dots and seemed on edge. Finally, the frustration got too much.

"I DONT KNOW WHO ANY OF YOU ARE? I DONT CARE ABOUT THIS, I DONT ABOUT THESE BABIES, IM LEAVING!" he said getting ready to storm out. But then something really weird happened.


I know that Louis was gone, but I needed to know what it felt like to kiss him, just once. I walked towards him and pressed my lips against him, a goodbye kiss, if you will, although I knew he was already gone.


All of the sudden lips crashed into mine. And it all came flooding back to me.

I was kissing Dawn! Oh my god the girl from the bakery I had a huge crush on! This was great! It felt like heaven!

I grabbed Dawn's hips and pushed her up against a wall. We continued kissing, and then I noticed other people were there, but they quickly left, clearly uncomfortable I was sucking Dawn's face in front of them.

Finally, we pulled away to catch our breaths.

"I love you," I told her, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you too." she told me, and then I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"Don't cry, Dawn, I'm here." I told her.

"I just missed you, I-I'm so glad you're back," she smiled.

Suddenly I looked down and saw I waswearing polka dots.

"OH MY GOD!"I screamed.

"What's wrong?" Dawn asked scared.

"I'm wearing polka dots!" I screamed. "We must fix this?!"

"Here, I'll go find a striped shirt," she said, about to leave.

"Wait," I said, before taking off the polka dot shirt. She immediatlely started staring at my abs. "Is it okay if I just go like this?"

She smiled.


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