Chapter 6: She's Not Afraid

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She's not afraid of all the attention

She's not afraid of running wild

How come she's so afraid of falling in love



I walked into the bakery to grab Louis his cake and myself some food, since Liam was pissed at me for not asking GR to marry me yet.

"Hey Dawn," I said as I greeted the girl and ordered my food and Louis' chocolate cake.

"Hey," she said back shyly, "...i-is the cake for Louis?"

Oh right, I forgot that now he bought cake for her too, and quickly added a slice of carrot cake for the girl.

"Yeah, I'm taking him lunch, he's in the hospital."

"Oh my god!" Dawn screamed as her jaw dropped to the floor. "Oh my god is Louis okay?!?!" She asked with a worry-stricken face.

"I-I don't know, do you wanna come visit him with me?"

"Uh, sure," she said as we went back to the hospital.



Harry and I walked into the hospital with our foods to find Louis' colleagues, Niall and Liam standing outside his room door.

"Wait," Niall said. "Before you go in, you should know that he won't remember you. He has amnesia."

My heart sank. Louis wouldn't remember me? Well why would I be upset about this? It's not like I liked him or anything....

"Yeah Harry, this is all YOUR fault!" Liam said as he dragged Harry down the hallway.

"How is it my fault?!" I heard Harry protest as he was dragged away.

Niall just stood in the hallway confused. "I don't know what's going on with them, you can go in if you like," he said in his sweet Irish accent before running towards the others.

I took in a deep breath and placed my hand on the cold door handle before opening it.

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