A Family Reunion

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Mabel's POV

I woke up Dipper saying we're. I know Dipper prefers I call him by his first name but I still call him Dipper sometimes. I mean it's what I know him as. Anyway. Me and Dipper got off the bus. And walked into town. A few people recognized us. And greeted us some cheered for is and some even gave us Pat's on the back. I thought j should ask Dipper why they were doing that. " Hey bro bro why were the townsfolk being so nice." He looks at me with a blank expression " I mean we did save the town four years ago and I don't think the town has forgotten about it yet. I mean look." And with that my brother pointed to a statue of me and him. The Description read. "Bless the ones that saves our lives and our town". Wow that was sweet of them. "Yea I guess" Dipper said. He's been pretty glum lately. And I can't really talk to him. Thanks to his big brains he completely done with school. I'm just still in highschool so. And I get home from school He's always in his room with the door locked. Either doing work for school or who knows what else. Just then my thoughts were interrupted by me walking into a pole. I rubbed my nose and looked up to see Dipper. Just standing there five feet away. Not even trying to help me. I got up and started walking in which Dipper started walking so he was ahead of me. I caught up after a while. And looked at him. His face seemed annoyed. But he kept his eyes forward not taking one moment to acknowledge my presence. About 10 minutes later we reached the shack. I knocked on the door and heard rustling. "Just a minute I'm coming." I heard a loud groggy voice say. After a couple seconds the door opened to reveal grunkle Stan. I looked at him and hugged him. "Grunkle Stan we missed you". I said voice chalked full of joy. "We?" I heard him say. Did he really not notice Dipper standing next to me. I heard Dipper whisper something under his breath. It sounded like he said typical while rolling his eyes. I walked back and stood next to Dipper a hand around his shoulder. "Ye me and old Dipstick here." I saw Dipper look at me from the corner of my eye. I then saw Stan look up at Dipper. Eyes wide. "Whoa kid you changed alot." Stan said. "Yea but your still the same old grumpy cheap skate you always were Stanley." Looked at Dipper with pure annoyance. Before sighing and saying come inside. On the way inside we saw Ford who came out of his lab vending machine. Ford looked out way and his eyes instantly locked on Dipper. "Mabel is this your new boyfriend." He said confusion easy to track in his voice. Dipper rolled his eyes again. I just laughed. "Grunkle Ford that's Dipper." I said between laughs. He look Dipper up and down. " D-Dipper" He said. Dipper looked Ford straight in the eye. "My name is Mason". Dipper said before pushing past Ford and walking upstairs to our old room in the attic. I was about to go after him. When Ford and Stan stepped in front of me. "Mabel Mabel hold on." They said in Union. "We got a new room just for you." It's in The living room there's a door with your name on it." Ford said.I jumped for joy yay new room I ran into and plopped down on the bed. This is gonna be fun I though.

Wow long chapter if I do say so myself. 614 words is that like a record or something but anyway to that's all byye 

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