💮|Izuku x Katsuki|💮

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Bonjour Everyone yes I went French lmao anyways this chapter is once again dedicated to lowkeyneedhelp again! Lmao hope you like it like the last one my guy lmao


Izuku's POV:

God am I tired..
I've been training non stop, All might would sometimes help by mostly giving me advice which wasn't so helpful because he was a little rusty since he retired but I appreciate him helping non the less, but again I'm exhausted..

I didn't get much sleep either to help, you see I use my free time to train then after i go to the dorms to eat dinner then for the rest of the night I study and do my homework, my friends say I work to hard but honestly I don't think I'm working hard enough. I sometimes even fall asleep during class and Mr.Aizwa would get really mad at me even though he sleeps himself..

Anyways it was Friday, that means a weekend of hopefully sleep as long as there isn't a-

"Oh yeah, I forgot.." said Mr.Aizwa tiredly and monotone as usual, as he looked through papers catching everyones attention. Everyone of course was secretly hoping no weekend homework I know that for a fact... especially me god just want to sleep when I get to my dorm.

"You all have a project due next Wednesday." He said casually as everyone groaned, as for me I frown and face plant into the desk, hard making half of the class glance at me.

Third Person POV:

The green hair boy slammed his head against the desk once he heard there would be a project over the weekend, Everyone glanced at him concerned, almost everyone in 1-A had to have told him to go take a nap or rest, but everytime he would deny saying he was fine. Of course everyone but Bakugou katsuki.

Mr.Aizwa rolled his eyes annoyed as he got inside his sleeping bag glaring at his students before taking a nap a usual, which usually meant free time for everyone until the bell rings.

Once the green haired boy literally slammed his head on his desk, the blond with anger issues flinched since he did sit in front of him, he glared back at the tired green head boy. "Ugh what's up with you nerd?" The blond asked glaring at him.

Izuku lifted his head glancing at his childhood friend/enemy.
"Oh..uhm it's nothing Kaccan"(idk how to spell) he mumbled out quietly as he rested his arms on his desk hiding his face in them sighing heavily to himself as he tried resting before the bell rang and he had to go train.

"Are you not sleeping well Midoriya?" Said a monotone voice, making Izuku raise his head glancing up seeing a familiar blank stare from his close multicolored hair friend. Of course seeing Todoroki, Bakugou grumbled and rolled his eyes turning back around, but he kept an ear open just listening.

"Uh-uhm-..no I'm not.. I've been too busy to sleep recently.." Izuku said softly as he sat up looking at his emotionless friend.
"Well..you should take a break.. it'll help you have more energy." Said Todoroki as he glanced at Bakugou with a curious look before focusing his attention back onto Izuku.

"I-i'm trying to but ughh..with training to school work it's kinda hard to get a good night's sleep.. sometimes I don't even sleep.." The green haired boy said softly before a light yawn fallowed.

"Hm..so you've been over working yourself, especially with the extra training...you should consider cutting some of those extra training sessions short..-"

"Yeah nerd listen to the prick, it's good to sleep early." Suddenly said the blonde that sat in front of the green haired boy.

"Wow Bakugou actually caring? That's a shocker.." said Mina who was talking to Sero and Kirishima, of course they all were hanging with Bakugou at his desk.  "OI SHUT THE FUCK UP RACCOON EYES I'LL FUCKIN KILL YOU!"  The hot head yelled as she just giggled and Kirishima chuckled waving his hands defensively.

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