Chapter 1

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I was in...a void. I couldn't see anything but black. There was nothing around me that I could see, I was alone. I realized that I could walk, or at least I could move my legs as if I was walking. As I continued to walk, the sound of static started to reach out to me. It sounded like an old TV or a broken channel. The static got louder and louder with each step. I should've taken that as a hint to stop walking, but I continued. As the static got louder, my feet walked faster, until I ended up running. Running through the darkness, not knowing where I was going. Is this what my life has come to? The static got louder...

and louder...

and louder...

Until suddenly it stopped.

And she appeared.

She was in front of me. She was back, she was okay. Nothing happened, she wasn't screaming. She was smiling her warm smile, her teeth were pearly white. She was wearing that same, old, vintage yellow dress. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was okay. She opened her arms allowing me to run into her embrace. Her warm and welcoming embrace. She let me cry into her shoulder and cling onto her again. I never wanted to let go, I was never going to let go. Never again, I can't lose her again, I won't.

"Please stay with me, please..."

She didn't say anything back.

I looked up, and to my horror, her face was mutated. It was melted, she wasn't herself anymore. I didn't know who she was, I couldn't recognize her anymore. Her eyes weren't in place, her smile was a frown, a melted frown that dripped down and down into the darkness. Her hands made their way to my cheeks, melting onto my clothes like hot wax. And just like hot wax, it burned. Everything burned. She was burning, I was burning, everything was burning. I began to sob, "Please no... Not again. I can't do this again, not again, please stop it..."

"It's your fault..."

"No, please..."

"You killed me..."

"No, I didn't. Please, I can't do this, again and again, every night, please just leave me alone..."

"I would still be here..."

"P-Please, don't do this again... I c-can't..."

"If it wasn't for your silly hallucinations..."

"He's real! I know he is!"

"You killed me, Samuel."


I fell into the darkness once more. With my sweet mother looking down at me, all of her body dripping. And before the darkness fully engulfed me in itself, I watched as she once again burst into flames and cried, tearing her skin off.


I quickly sat up, hitting my head on the bottom of the top bunk. Groaning, I looked over to my stepbrother, Eddie. I have another older stepbrother, Jack, and three stepsisters, Elise, Callie, and Ellia. I honestly don't like my step-siblings, but if I had to choose I prefer Eddie over them all.

"Bro! You slept in, the bus is on its way! Get ready!"

I, once again, let out an obvious and loud groan. Eddie ignored it, just as he always does. I grabbed some simple black jeans, long white socks, a white t-shirt, and my old, faded, blue jacket; then rushed downstairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair. Yanking my backpack off the hook near the door and sloppily slipping on my black Converse, I ran to the bus and took my seat at the back. Since not many kids live in this area, it's easy to get a seat on the bus.

Eddie and his "gang" sat a few seats in front of me, and even though Eddie is my stepbrother, he doesn't really act like he is at school. He pretends I don't exist at school, he doesn't wasn't to associate with me in public, basically. And I'm fine with that, I don't like socializing anyways. The bus pulled up to the school and everyone scattered out. Looking up at the giant middle school, I sighed and entered, preparing for another day of torture.

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