Chapter 3

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I was in a cell, still wearing handcuffs. I wasn't too worried though, if I was truly in danger they would've already put me in an orange jumper. I looked up to find a policeman opening the cell for me, "Okay, Samuel, we're letting you go. Nathan, Ryan, and some witnesses explained everything to us. Well, we're hoping everything. Anyways, we'll call your dad-" "No." "Excuse me?" "'s fine. The station isn't far from my house, and I'll let him know everything. I swear on my life." "You have good grades, I trust you for that. Your record is spotless besides...well, you know." I nodded slowly and stuck my hands in my pockets, trying to hide their shaking.

I lied. My house is miles from the station. I don't even know the way home, I just didn't want my dad to know that I...I... I still can't wrap my head around the fact I did that. I would never do that...but still, I did. I just need to relax and start my way home. As I walked outside I felt a huge wave of cold hit me. The first snow. I zipped up my jacket and started walking to the gas station to ask for directions to a bus stop. After a few minutes, I came across a 7ELEVEN. I checked my pockets for any cash I might've left in them from the last time I wore these jeans. I pulled out $5. Perfect. Walking in, I saw that besides the person at the register, I was the only one in the store. That was fine with me. I grabbed a rootbeer and paid for it at the register.

"Oh, hey, do you know where the closest bus stop is?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, little dude. It's just passed that road over there, see?" I nodded my head and thanked the cashier. It was so fucking cold outside... I should've gotten a colder drink. Light snow sprinkled everywhere, it was beautiful.

"Dad! Dad! Look, it's a snowman!"

"Haha! Sure is, Kiddo! Hm, what's with the twigs under his eyes?"

"They aren't twigs, they're crying."

"Why is Mr. Snowman crying?"

"He has no friends, they all melted."

"Well...let's make him a friend, shall we?"

"Heh heh! Yeah!"

Before I knew it I was already at the bus stop and the bus pulled up. I took a seat at the front in case some sicko pulled a move on a vulnerable kid like me. Looking out the window, I admired the beautiful forest outside. Trees, leaves, snow, bushes, twigs, flowers, frozen lakes, and...a tall thin man. Time stopped in that instant. It was just the tall man and I. He was tall and sinister, and he kept staring at me. I blinked, and he was gone. I snapped out of my trance and saw that the bus was already at my neighborhood, or at least close to it that is. That went by quicker than I thought it would.

I let out a heavy sigh as I finished taking off my shoes and backpack. Today was a fucking mess and I just wanted to forget all about it. I held onto the unopened pop and head upstairs; collapsing on my bed, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and put on some Salvia Palth. I tried to sink into the music and forget all about today. The feeling of Nathan's throat in my hands, it was terrifying. It made me sick to my stomach, I wanted to throw up but I knew I wouldn't. Tomorrow is Saturday, tomorrow is another day where I can forget about all of this. I can go to my safe place and relax. I sat up, took a long sip of the drink, and once again laid down to close my eyes and finally sleep.

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