Part 1

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Obi-Wan Kenobi was known to be a composed and disciplined Jedi, he was very well respected among his peers and the Clone Army.

He had a special connection with his former padawan, Anakin Skywalker, it was undiscribable. They really had a special bond, even if they were a thousand parsecs apart they could feel what the other was feeling and sometimes communicate via thoughts.

This wasn't something they talked about but they very well knew. So when they were in a council meeting and Anakin was feeling quite horny, Obi-Wan couldn't help but feel aroused by the shared thoughts of his friend. Eventually after the meeting was over, Master Yoda watched suspiciously how both young jedi ran out of the room, they retired to more private quarters and fucked each other in a mix of love and lust.

But this wasn't that kind of situation, they were to lead a secret assault on a separatist planet to retrieve what could be the next steps of their enemy. They were to be separated, a small squad of four troopers accompanied each of them. Anakin was backed by his loyal Captain Rex who picked Fives, Flash and Lunn.
Obi-Wan was accompanied by his skilled team conformed of Cody, Switch, Boil and Spark who have proven to be very effective.

Anakin's Mission consisted on raiding a small compound that served as a storage unit of reinforcements to the heavily guarded compound nearby. His mission was essentially a distraction to drive the defenses of said compound out and eliminate them on their way to the smaller compound. It wasn't a hard mission for the brave jedi, yet he felt it wasn't enough to really create a distraction. The was a fear of loosing Obi-Wan slowly rising within him, and this raised preocupation inside his former master.

Obi-Wan placed a hand on Anakin's shoulder, squishing ever so softly as to reassure the young Knight. Anakin's thoughts were dissipated as he tourned to look at his Master.

"Oh, Obi-Wan, I was looking to discuss some changes to the strategy on the attack to Agamar" he said intently looking at the bright blue eyes of Kenobi.

"Anakin we've been over this" he crossed his arms, "we can't risk to make our presecence known, more so with such light manpower" he frowned slightly.

"Just hear me out" the younger insisted, "if we were to cause an explosion it would definitely alert the troops not a distress signal" he reached out to his Master, touching his arm.

"Alright then," Kenobi softened his features, "we'll discuss your strategy with Cody and Rex and set a better approach" he activated his comm-link and summoned Cody and Rex to the bridge of their cruiser. Skywalker really seemed to perk up since Obi-Wan could sence this but his Padawan didn't show it.

Obi-Wan's Mission consisted on infiltrating the almost empty compound and retrieve the intel from a data bank. Which meant hacking into the systems undetected as to not alert the droids, a task almost impossible to execute but one of the troopers was an excellent slicer. As a second objective they would have to set the compound on self destruct mode and leave as fast as they could.

Cody, who was eating in the mess-hall along with Rex and some sergeants, received the orders to go to the bridge, as he told Rex they both shoved all the food they could manage into their mouths, grabbed their equipment and headed to the elevators.

"So, how is it working for General Skywalker?" Cody asked Rex as they walked side by side, both helmets off and on their side held with one arm.

"Oh, I know he has a reputation of being quite bold and not following orders but I can tell you, I never bore working with him" he smirked, "what about working with General Kenobi?"

"He's a very disciplined man and a great leader, I'm quite proud of working with him" he looked as if dazzled.

As they reached the elevator Rex pressed the button to call the elevator, Cody noticed he dragged a little when moving forward. He knew the high risk this mission meant, and was commanded to report any injuries, as it could mean the demise of the mission. In that moment he was filled with doubt as he could not disobey orders yet Rex was his friend.

"I don't mean to be intrusive but are you hurt?" he reached for Rex's arm.

"I know, we should report it but its just a small sprain, the pain-killers relieve me completely, I'm fine" he looked worried, "if it bugs you, it's fine if you report it, I just can't check myself in before such an important mission" Rex looked down but as the elevator doors opened he regained his composture and proceded to enter.

Cody went quiet on the journey up, he empathised with Rex but had the responsibility to report the issue. He was decided on what he was going to do, even if it meant the worse. When they reached the bridge, they saw Generals, Kenobi and Skywalker around a holo-table observing a battle simulation.

"You requested our prescence, sir?" asked Cody to General Kenobi, as they aproaches the table.

"Yes I did, gather around we want to discuss another aproach to the mission. General Skywalker will brief us on his plan" he motioned for the two commanders to move closer, while Anakin changed the simulation.

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