Part 6

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Obi-Wan now understood his former Padwan's anguish. Anakin had a stronger connection to the Force, being the chosen one had its perks, that's why he could see past the dark cloud in the Force. But this worried Obi-Wan, he was strong and smart, he had the potential to be even more, these feelings could stray him from the Jedi way. He worried of not being there for him when he most needed it or not being able to help Anakin the way he needed to be helped.

He felt helpless for not being able to bring comfort to Anakin with a cheering speech or a simple 'we will sort this out'. Obi-Wan looked at Anakin, he had grown up and looked very strong, his eye-scar accentuated he was not a youngling anymore. But right now he looked as the small boy Qui Gon had found on Tatooine, small, scared and confused.

Obi-Wan removed the covers and managed to stand up, the sensors that had been put on him simply dropped, the machine beside him beeping loudly. A medical droid entered the room and commanded him to lay down insistently, he brushed the droid off with a frown. His squad woke up at all the noise that was being made. Anakin laughed at he sight of his Master trying to shut the droid down.

"He's fine, I'll tend to him now" Anakin said to the droid as he stood up and helped Obi-Wan keep his balance. The droid stopped insisting and left the room. He watched the droid leave and Obi-Wan hugged him. He was startled by it but welcomed the hug. Anakin's arms slid under Obi-Wan's bringing them closer, he rested his chin on smaller man's shoulder, Obi was tucked in his chest breathing softly. He needed a hug, but not from just anyone, from someone he loved.

"Thank you Obi" he said. They felt so comfortable in each other's arms, safe. Claps interrupted them, making the hug break, though they didn't even try to hide it. The squad, tears in their eyes looked at them, many mouthed 'beautiful' and others just smiled uncontrollably. Anakin rubbed the back of his head, he forgot about them. Obi-Wan just blushed uncontrollably, usually he was never so sentimental in front of his soldiers. He liked to have a high degree of discipline in his life, and Cody adapted very well to his General, though seeing how efficient Rex and Anakin were without so much seriousness pushed Cody to break that barrier for him.

They didn't become as relaxed, but they did talk about certain things. Cody had expressed his feelings about being a clone and how they didn't know anything outside of fighting. Obi-Wan was so touched he called in a favour with his friend Dex and prepared a very special meal for the 212th. It raised morale, and made the battalion more confident in their General. And Obi-Wan realised he had learnt something from Anakin, sometimes being relaxed was the better path to success. Regarding his battalion had made them better and made him better.

Obi-Wan admired that Anakin was so good with people, maybe it had to do with his difficult upbringing, maybe it hadn't. But even though he didn't show it, Anakin was a good listener, Obi-Wan knew this. He had mentioned once he had a rough night sleeping in his mat back at the Jedi temple, over the next few days his mat disappeared and was replaced with a very comfy bed. He expressed his gratitude with the Force. Both slept very well that night. And, he has never woken up with a  hurt back since.

Rex entered the room, his arm seemed fine now, all bandages were removed. He was certainly surprised because everyone was awake, he just came by to see Cody. He saluted, standing straight and touching his fingers to his temple. "Generals" he said.

"C'mon Rex, there's no need for formalities right now" Anakin said while helping Obi-Wan seat at the edge of the bed. "How's the arm?"

"Healed, sir. I'm ready to go back now not to worry" Rex said, he knew Anakin was asking for his wellbeing out of actual regard for him. But it was still engraved in him how the Kaminoans and the GAR just needed fit soldiers to fight. He had spent almost 250 days after Genosis with his General and sometimes it still felt all new to him.

"Well, I know you're here to see Cody. I'm taking Obi-Wan to his quarters now" he carried Obi-Wan bride style. The older man clearly in protest, finally settling with a frown. The muted clones laughed at them, though not hysterically, that could be seen as treachery. Rex only smirked and proceeded to take Anakin's chair to seat beside Cody.

Cody smiled, they went back, and since Kamino, they've seen very little. This moments were to be appreciated. Rex observed Cody. He varely recognised his brother, his eyes were tired, they had seen too much. He could see small scars in his arms and neck, he had felt too much. He remembered how cheerful he was back at Kamino, before the war. They didn't have much and honestly they weren't treated with much dignity but they had a complete family. Now? They had lost many brothers, entire platoons were wiped out everyday, and they weren't spared even a moment to mourn, always on the move.

"Ner vod, I have missed you" Rex felt tears running down his cheeks. Cody opened his arms to embrace his brother in a hug. "I've lost so many, Cody" he said breaking the hug, Cody could only mouth 'I know'. He wanted to hear his brother's voice but it seemed like it was gone. Cody motioned for his helmet and Rex retrieved it from a cabinet, all the squad's armours were stored in there. He handed it to Cody who put it on, there was silence, he could only see Cody's head moving as if using the commlink. The communicator in his arm, started beeping. He clicked on it and a robotic voice began speaking on the earbud in his ear, as if reading from a text.

"I'm so glad to see you, vod" the droid voice read, mispronouncing the word brother. "The war has been cruel, many have died, and it just seems like its starting" the droid continued. There was a way to type in the helmet HUD, it was commanded with the eyes and clicks with the mouth. No voice needed. Giving a voice to those muted. Cody removed his helmet and placed it in his lap "I have grown tired Rex, we were taught to protect the Republic and its people, the same Republic and people who disregard us, who don't care about us, who use us" the droid finished reading. Cody stared at him, he had a face only describable as sad. Rex understood him completely, these were thoughts considered teacherous, these could get you executed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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