Part 2

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Agamar was best known for its woods. They were dense filled with old, tall trees, when you walked under their shadow, sunlight was almost gone, so even if it was the middle of the day, in those woods it would be almost dark. That's why the wood's floor was filled with toxic moss, fungi and whatever more mysterious things. Intelligent life kept away from the woods and rather lived on the clearings of the planets, on one of these clearings, the Separarist compounds were stationed.

Cody frowned, "With all due respect, General, it seems a bit risky proceding this way, if both squads concentrate on the bigger compound, when the reinforcements arrive we would be crushed" he explained.

"I know those reinforcements are really dangerous but new intel has revealed a great weakness" he pressed some buttons on the holo-table and it projected an image of a four walled coumpund which guarded a big hatch, "if we block that entrance, reinforcements will never arrive".

"My men could place explosives on those walls and make them fall over the entrance, then they will never see the light of day again" Rex said with proudness.

"Your plan doesn't seem very stealthy, Anakin." Obi-Wan crossed his arms and pondered, "And we would need more men than our current to execute it".

"My squad is very capable, we can manage" Anakin smiled and looked at Rex, who nervously smiled back while holding his arm. Maybe Anakin WAS putting a bit to much faith in four troopers, but he knew those troopers weren't just anyone. "We could place those explosives, take those defenses and before they can call for help, explode both compounds and leave" he added.

"It doesn't seem very wise.." Obi-Wan started, "but I've seen you execute harder operations successfully" he looked Anakin in the eyes, "we'll go your way, but there must be a backup plan, we can't be captured or leave without that intel".

Cody wasn't confident in the plan, and way less with Rex injured. He looked at Rex with a worried face and then spoke up, "I'm sorry Sir, but we seem to have a bit of a problem, uh.." both Generals looked at him, he stuttered then said, "Rex.. Is injured, he may not be as effective" he wasn't able to look Rex in the eyes, but it was his duty.

"I'm fine, it isn't that bad" he managed to say before Anakin approached worryingly and grabbed his arm. Rex frowned and hissed, he was feeling a strong pain. "I just didn't want to be unavailable for the missions, Sir"

"Go to the infirmary and get this checked out Rex" he commanded Rex, "report back as soon as you can, I don't want to risk you" he added.

"Well, this certainly changes our plan," Obi-Wan stated and approached his former Padawan, "I'm sorry Anakin, I'm afraid we have to proceed without Rex, we can't delay the mission anymore, we'll proceed with the original mission" He placed a hand on his shoulder and turned to leave the room, Cody followed him. "Cody prepare the men to leave, and find a suitable replacement for Rex"

"Yes, Sir" Cody responded while leaving for the hangar, the men know they need to be prepared and ready to launch in the hangar. He did feel guilty for turning in Rex like that but they were about to choose a risky mission that the Captain may not have acted as effectively. He activated his comm-link and contacted Rex.

"Hey, are you okay? What did the Med-bot say?" He asked worryingly, there was a bit of silence then a voice chimed in.

"Yeah I'm fine, he discharged me for a few days, I sprained my elbow, I just need to rest" the voice replied, a bit of sadness lingered in his voice. 

"I was ordered to find a replacement for you, any ideas?" Cody asked, another silence, longer this time, he was about to reach the hangar.

"Yeah, tell Fives to assume command and find another man to fill-in" the conversation was finished, but Cody felt like he needed to apologise. He didn't.

As he reached the Hangar, two gun-ships standed by. His men were gathered around near one of the gunships, ready for battle. Rex's men were gathered nearby the other gunship. They approached Cody upon noticing their commader wasn't with him.

"Commander, we're ready to launch," Fives aproached and made a salute, "where's Commander Rex?" he motioned around.

"Rex is indisposed, he asked for you to assume command and fill-in your team" Cody said and walked towards his squad.

"Yes, Sir" Fives responded and immediately went to ask Echo, a trusted and skilled friend, to come along. His squad was complete yet he knew the lack of  Rex's leadership would take a toll on the men's morale.

When Generals Skywalker and Kenobi arrived at the hangar the men started to move into the gun-ships. Kenobi liked the colour of his mens' armour, he liked the orange that adorned it. Skywalker also was fond of the blue that painted his armoured men, he rather liked what Rex did with his armour. He would miss his treasured ally in this mission. Before separating Obi-Wan hugged Anakin and whispered "May the force be with you, Anakin" the General was rather struck by the sudden affection but embraced Obi-Wan and whispered back the same message. They proceded to board their gun-ships and took off.

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