Part 4

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Obi-Wan felt as if he was falling, he couldn't control this fall. He kept spinning uncontrollably downwards, if he screamed for help the gas would enter him and made him feel sickly. For a moment he felt so helpless, so empty, so alone.

He remembered meditating with Yoda, he taught him how to meditate deep into the force, to places where he felt like this, helpless. Yoda taught him to concentrate the force and make the journey peaceful.

And so he did, in his fall, he concentrated the force and suddenly all his men were around him, screaming scared, so scared to what they were falling to. Obi-Wan stabilized their fall, no longer uncontrollably and helpless, but calm and hopeful. Cody and his men stopped screaming, they could see each other, no longer alone, no longer scared. 

Obi-Wan tipped downwards falling even faster, his men followed, the gas became clear like clouds, and then they could see water, an ocean full of it. They hit the water and they went numb. They could no longer scream, and couldn't move. They saw as they sank, their surroundings turning darker and darker as they couldn't do anything. They couldn't breathe yet they weren't drowning. It was such an odd feeling, surreal even.

Time wasn't something they could feel, but they had spent a fair share of it there.  They could no longer see each other or hear each other. They felt their presence in this dark, silent void but couldn't move. The feeling of running water was soothing, consuming even. Cody enjoyed it, and so he wanted to embrace it and just let go. Boil, on the other hand, was sick of the feeling, he was sick of being there, desperation clouded his mind. Switch was so focused in trying to hear and see anything that he wasn't aware of the feeling at all. Spark tried to keep calm, he focused on the time passing by, even though he couldn't really count it, he kept losing count.

All of a sudden, they were pulled upwards. The light was coming back. When their heads rose up above the water, they took a deep breath. They were in a Medical Bay, in a bed, their friends starting to crowd the room, asking them so many questions about what had happened to them. They couldn't remember anything after entering the woods.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes, and hovering above them was Anakin, tearful, puffy eyes in a worried face welcomed him back. Anakin hugged him and Obi felt crushed under him, he whined a the Jedi Knight backed up pleading forgiveness uncontrollably. He felt the numbness leaving him, replaced with soreness. He straightened up in the bed and watched Anakin slowly, admiring his soft, well-defined features. He looked like a sad angel. 

"I'm sorry for disobeying orders, Master" He said softly before his voice choked as he began crying.

Obi-Wan tried to talk but nothing came out, he coughed up a little, then a rugged sound came out of hus throat. He looked upset about it, he reached for his neck while frowning at Anakin as if he had the answers.

"Medic Droid!" Ankin called out very upset, looking behind him. A droid entered the room and scanned Obi-Wan, it then burped some sounds.

"I'm afraid his vocal cords are damaged, he may gain the ability to talk again, but he needs to rest" Obi-Wan wasn't as upset as Anakin was, he started to argue with the droid, demanding for it to intervene, while Obi-Wan uselessly tried to make his former Padawan stand down. He looked around and noticed his squad had the same ailment. He softly used the Force to calm the men down, and for them to stop straining their vocal cords, they may lose their voice otherwise. The younger Jedi finally gave up the arguing and looked back at Obi-Wan who frowned at him with his arms crossed.

"Sorry" he said, stroking the back of his head and looking quite beaten. Obi-Wan noticed he looked as if he had a thermal detonator explode on him, his clothes had several burns. He was covered in dirt, some stains on his face. Obi-Wan looked him up and down and gestured at Anakin.

"Oh, yeah, about that.." Anakin looked away, his gaze accidentaly landing on Cody who was currently massaging his neck looking very upset. The clone looked at him judgingly, Anakin knew if he could talk, he would be being scolded by Cody. His eyes widened and quickly pulled his thoughts together.

"We sticked to our plan, and it didn't work. The droids then decided to go after you and you decided to run into the woods. Which, by the way, was very unwise, Master" he started rambling and Obi-Wan only rolled his eyes, it seemed his former Padawan still had a lot to learn. He stopped listeting to the monologue and looked at Cody who was just so done with Anakin. He had reason to, Anakin risked both squads lives for a bit of glory, and still managed to excuse himself of the situation.

"...and that's when we found you" a silence fell into the room. Obi-Wan just stared at him. Anakin couldn't keep his gaze on him and looked away. Obi-Wan knew he was ashamed but couldn't quite put it out there. He reached out for his hand, and Anakin quickly took it. Obi-Wan smiled warmly and stroke the dirty hand. He then laid back on his bed and closed his eyes, he was very tired all of a sudden.

Anakin decided to leave his Master to rest and maybe clean himself up. He wished to be back on Courscant, he longed to be held by Padmé. But right now he had to do with this ship, on his way to his quarters, he passed by Rex's squad quarters and decided to visit his friend. He found his Captain laying on a bunk bed staring at a holopad.

"Hey there, Rex, what are you doing?" Rex jerked up and hit his head on the bunk bed over him, he stroke his head with his good hand and hid his holopad behind him as he sat up.

"Commander Skywalker, what brings you here?" he noticed the Jedi trying to hold his laughter.

"I just came back and wanted to check on you, what were you looking at there?" suddenly Rex got very defensive shuffling on his bed, clearly trying to hide the holopad.

"Nothing, nothing" he then sat up trying to look normal, "I'm feeling better by the way, how did the mission go?" Anakin decided just to let it slide, he wasn't going to corner his most loyal soldier.

"Actually, it didn't go well. Obi-Wan is in the medbay, he looks very bad and can't speak" he began sobbing and he sat beside Rex, who didn't know what to do, he didn't expect this. He awkwardly put his good arm around Anakin to try and comfort him. The Jedi let himself be comforted as he just sobbed uncontrollably.

"Uh, Sir, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you could used some rest?" Anakin straightened himself up and stopped crying.

"You're right, I still need to take a bath" he ran out of the room and went to his quarters right away.

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