Part 3

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Death is a funny thing to come upon, it is something we all fear and can't seem to get over the fact of it happening even though eventually it will, to every single one of us. We suspect its painful, when in reality we just need to let go and stop worrying, painless. We stop suffering and finally become one with the force. For Anakin losing one of the few people he really loves is hard, it would mean letting go of his pain, mistaken for letting go of his love. He thinks if he stops resisting, he may forget who this person was to him and eventually they will fade. He didn't understand how the other Jedi did it.

They were arriving, under the cover of darkness, upon Agamar. Anakin's Group landed on the far west side of the clearing, leaving them for an almost two-hour walk. The terrain was uneven, rocky, and very steep. There were also a variety of bushes, some had flowers that glowed which helped the group climb the slope, by leading them through a not so steep side. Obi-Wan's Group landed on the far east side of the clearing. They were left much farther in comparison but they had to climb down, which for much of the time it only consisted of sliding down the hill. The mission constricted both groups to a lack of communication, only if things were horribly wrong were they allowed to activate their comms. It was also forbidden to enter the woods as they were unexplored and highly risky to venture into.

When Anakin finally located Obi-Wan's group he feared the worst, they all were barely breathing, their veins were swollen, and their skin was a tint purplish which worried him more than the Jedi council would have liked. He risked the whole mission by going on the side and rescuing Obi's Group but he wasn't going to leave anyone behind. Much less if the person in question is Obi-Wan Kenobi, his former Master, Mentor, and Force-Connection buddy. Fives questioned this decision, and Anakin didn't like the fact that everyone dounted him. Even one of his men. But after the rescue Fives learnt to trust General Skywalker with his life.

Skywalker's Squad arrived in position to proceed with the plan. "Quietly eliminate all hostiles and trigger the alarm for the other compound to pick up" was what Obi-Wan had told Anakin. But he decided to trigger his plan, stealthily the men aproached the compound and took out the droids patrolling on the walls. Then Anakin gave the order to place explosives on the walls, on his command the whole place would blow up. Kenobi's Squad waited for the droids to leave the compound, that was the signal. They were very close by the walls, hidden behind some bushes. If a droid were to shed some light upon those bushes the whole operation would be compromised. They waited but no one came out. 'Something went wrong' thought Obi-Wan. He knew they couldn't wait any longer and changed the plan to proceed to infiltrate the compound , General Kenobi decided to scale the walls and work their way from there.

They arrived upon their Cruiser and Kenobi's Squad was immediately taken to the medbay. Anakin was broken following the Squad the whole way, checking on Obi-Wan and incessantly telling him he was sorry, to please don't leave him, promising to never disobey orders ever again. The medical droids were overwhelmed by Anakin, they couldn't even help the squad because he was on the way. Eventually Fives had to restrain him and take him to the waiting room. Rex arrived shortly after, one armed bandaged and inmobilised. He asked Anakin to tell him about the mission but found the Jedi in tears and disarray. Rex had never seen Anakin so worried before.

When the last of Kenobi's men went over the wall, they heard a big explosion, immediately alarms went off, hundreds of droids stormed out of the facility, every single one of them on high alert. They knew plan's changed and improvisation was onset. Blasting their way, they came upon the data banks, the slicer started the hacking not caring if he was setting alarms off anymore. Obi-Wan and the rest protected him slicing and bastling through a batallion of droids. When they were done they left the compound as fast as they could. It exploded. Yet the mayority of the army went to check the other explosion, turning their attention now to them, if that wasn't enough a squadron of  vultures were flying by scouting the site. Obi-Wan Kenobi made the choice to enter the woods and asked to be picked up across them.

The situation was uncertain, the Medical Droids stabilised them but didn't know if they were actually going to pull through. Anakin, after having a breakdown which Rex and Fives had to ride out with him, stood watch beside Obi-Wan's bed while he tried to meditate. It wasn't something he excelled at or that he enjoyed but Obi taught him that whenever his mind was in turmoil he had to meditate. It did help him concentrate and sort out everything that had just happened, but he couldn't sort all the feelings out, come to terms with them. He also focused the force on Obi, trying to make contact, trying to make him stay. The bond was growing weak and Anakin feared the worst was about to happen.

A few hours went by and Boil finally woke up, he was weak. Anakin immediately poured over him a million questions about what had happened and the soldier could only frown heavily. Upon realising that he was being to abrupt, he looked around and everyone was waking up. Obi-Wan was waking up.

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