Part 5

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Anakin was looking at the floor, his forehead pressed against the wall as warm water fell over him. It was very soothing, he started sobbing, the water meddling with his mucus. He felt so guilty, what if Obi-Wan lost his voice?

He turned the water off, and stepped outside the shower, wrapping a towel on his hips. He looked in the mirror, his skin was reddish because of the warm water, he's eyes puffy and his nose reddish. His eyes had bags, and his bags had bags. He was very tired, he hadn't slept since they came back. He kept watch over Obi-Wan all the while thinking what was he going to tell him, what excuse could he use. He knew his descision was reckless, even Fives pressed against it but still followed orders.

He grabbed the hair drier and dried his mechanical arm instead, he always forgot to put a bag over it. If he didn't dry it, it could get rusty and worst, it wouldn't move as smootly. He opened his cabinet and found the  motor oil he stores everywhere, with a pipette, he oiled the joints on his arm. He was too tired to apply all his creams, and the face mask Obi-Wan recommended him. "Being a Jedi doesn't mean you can't have some self-care" he remembered Obi-Wan telling him as he counted the freckles on his back, while they were lying in bed. Ah, the peace they had before the war broke out. He put on some boxers and went to bed. Laying there, he was so exhausted it took him seconds to fall asleep.

Obi-Wan was looking at him from across a bridge, it was an unstable bridge, many planks were missing and the ropes looked as if they couldn't even hold the planks themselves.

"Sir, we have to press on" he heard Rex say. He looked around and a bunch of troopers were there. He worried, he couldn't get them all across. How did Obi-Wan cross? He looked down from the edge, a chill ran through his legs and back. That was a big fall, a mist covered the ground, anything could be down there.

"Patience Anakin, you'll know when to cross" Obi-Wan called out. When to cross? Crossing would kill him for sure and his men would go down with him. But he saw reason.

"Alright Rex, you go on crossing one by one, I'll hold the bridge steady" Rex nodded and began shouting orders, none would cross so he decided to go first. "If I say run, you run" he told the armoured man before patting him on the back. He concentrated, picturing the bridge solid as a rock nothing could break it. Rex began crossing, the planks creaking under his weight. One foot in front of the other, no probem with that. He was halfway across when Anakin was hit by a vision.

Palpatine, but not quite him, yellow eyes, smiling at him. Obi-Wan sadness in his eyes screaming at him "I loved you, Anakin". Padme screaming as in pain, her life being drained.

He screamed and dropped the bridge, so sudden. He saw Rex plummeting down, he clearly didn't expect that and didn't react accordingly. He trusted him completely and he failed. Obi-Wan looked back undisturbed, "And that's why you won't ever make it to Master" and he turned, walked away into the slopes.

He woke up drenched in sweat, tears falling from his eyes, he was very upset. It was just a dream. He reached out for Obi-Wan but he wasn't there, it took him a minute to remember why his former Master wasn't asleep with him. He sat on the bed, his head on his hands, his arms on his knees. What did everything mean? He stood up and searched for clean robes, dressed loosely and left his room.

It was almost quiet, the gentle hum from the lights and circuitry on the walls filled the silence. He walked towards the Medical Bay. The nightwatch nodded at him as he walked past. As entered the room, he saw Obi-Wan from behing the glass panel, sleeping peacefully, if he didn't know he could swear that man was healthy. He reached by his side and sat on the chair he had been hours before. He stared at the sleeping man, as if his resting face would give him the answers. He was worried. What did the vision mean, he remembered Master Yoda describing a Sith, saying that their eyes are charactrristically yellow. Could Chancellor Palpatine be a Sith? And if so, was he the Sith Lord they've been looking for? Obi-Wan seemed hurtful in the vision but very cold in the dream, he was struggling to understand his dream. The Force had clearly sent him a forethought, a warning. And Padmé, he was so scared of losing her. His only sense of home, his only sense of belonging.

He tried guessing what Obi-Wan would say, it could be "You should meditate on this, young one" or "Don't let your feelings overwhelm you, you know fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering" he didn't like that about Obi-Wan, when he most needed him, he was very cryptic, never a direct answer. Sometimes it worked, like when picking robes colours, Obi-Wan went on telling his story about his robes, and how it meant to be the purity of his connection with the force. Basically leaving Anakin to ponder about why he was choosing certain colour. Three days later of meditating he decided to go for dark purple because 'it suited him'. Obi-Wan just forwned but supported Anakin on that decision. But this was different, the Force was clearly laying something life changing in front of him, he could feel it, he just had to know what to do with that information.

Obi-Wan felt a heavy gaze upon him and opened his eyes, he wasn't sleeping rather meditating. He found a dark figure sitting on a chair beside him. He was scared for a second, jumping on the bed, gasping. When his eyes adjusted, he saw Anakin.

"Sorry, Master" Anakin said as he turned a light on. The light flushed his eyes and he frowned for a moment. He tried speaking and remembered his affliction. He gestured 'what?' opening his arms exaggeratedly. Anakin fumbled. "Ah yes, I had a vision Obi-Wan, and it you were in it" Obi-Wan's mind for a second, thought it was a vision involving pleasure. But gazing upon Anakin's eyes revealed otherwise, he saw a lot of pain and worry. He concentrated on Anakin, using the Force to speak. It wasn't speech what Anakin heard though, it was more a feeling. 'Care to share?' Anakin nodded and proceded to tell him the whole dream and vision, not missing any details, but avoiding mentioning Senator Padmé Amidala dying.

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