Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Adam Benedict Muega's Point of View

I was alarmed when Lyndon called me and asked about Drake. I've been trying to call Drake since today is his departure from Vittoria. I'll be dead when my mom finds out he's still not here. He's supposed to be here an hour ago! Turns out that bastard is still outside watching soccer and trying to piss me off! As long as he stays away from Marga, we'll be good.

It's been seven years since Drake and his family migrated from Raeleigh to Vittoria. Now, he's back and I'm sure I'll be pissed off from time to time. Drake is my cousin since her mother is my dad's sister. We are close because we have things in common but for the past few years, I'm not okay with him because he's hitting on Marga. I don't like anyone in my family hitting on my friends.

"Hey, Lyndon? Please keep an eye on Drake and wait for me to arrive. that bastard should be here before my mom comes back or I'll be dead if not."

I rushed my way to the garage and hop inside my car. I don't have time to waste. I need to get that bastard as soon as possible. Drake just arrived but he's already getting into my nerves! He's a carefree; which is my exact opposite. I always make sure I obey every rule they lay down on me while he breaks all of it without any effort! It's as if he lives to break rules!

It took me fifteen minutes before I arrived at Raeleigh Sports Complex. It's a good thing Lyndon's here because if not, I don't have any idea how will I reach that bastard! I immediately marched my way inside and meet with Lyndon.

"Where is he?" I asked. Lyndon pointed Drake's direction and together we went to fetch the bastard.

"What the hell are you doing here? You are supposed to be at our house an hour ago!" I shouted feeling really pissed.

"Chill, Adam. I'm just enjoying the game!" he smirked.

"You don't have time for this! Let's go!"

He laughed and noticed I'm with Lyndon. He once again smirked which annoys me bigtime. He's wasting my precious time! I hate his guts.

"Hey, Lyndon!" Drake greeted.

"We don't have time for this, Drake. Let's go! My mom will be furious if she finds out you're not yet home!"

Drake didn't argue and fixed his things. I shifted my gaze to talk to Lyndon and thank him for informing me where Drake is. If not for him, I'll be dead by now. My mom may be kind but when it comes to matters like this, she is not easy to deal with.

"Lyndon, I appreciate your help. Thank you so much, man!"

"No problem, man!"

He smirked and initiated a fistbump which I accepted. It's a good thing I have a friend like him.

"Anyways, I'm planning to talk to Marga next week. For now, let's give her space. I'll inform you about my plan soon," I said.

"Does that plan includes me?" he asked.

"Yes, but we'll talk to her without Claire. If she's mad at the two of us, I'm sure her anger to Claire is in a different level. Let's just let them decide if they'll take to each other again. Let's just do our part and not be involved. They both need time to think," I explained.


For the next few days, I've been really being tested because Drake never fails to annoy me. He kept on acting like a child and forcing me to tell Marga to come around. There's no way I'll do that because I know he'll just pissed me off. Plus the fact that we're not yet in good terms.

Lyndon and I agreed to talk to Marga today but we don't know how we'll start. Marga rarely gets mad and when she does get mad she's scary as hell. It is true that when a kind person gets mad, it's in a different level. That fact is very evident to Marga's actions these past few days.

"Uhh... Marga?" I called. She averted her gaze and looked at me intently.

"Can we talk?" she asked. I was taken aback for a while but nodded as a response.

"Lyndon is also planning to talk to you. Can he join us as we talk?

"Sure thing."

The three of us agreed to go to our favorite place at lunch. Claire won't come because she'll be having lunch with Marga's brother and she's not yet ready to talk to Marga. We didn't mind since Marga as well is not ready to talk to Claire.

"Marga, we just want to apologize for what happened last week. We know we should have told you the moment we found out but despite all these, we just want to tell you that we did that because that is what we think that is best for you." I said feeling nervous as I stare at Marga intently.

"I know and I understand that you are just concerned to how will I react. I'm sorry for the things I said. It's just that... I really felt I am just an option at that moment."

I can see through her eyes the pain she's feeling because of what happened last week. She's so devastated. We have no idea that's how she feel towards Claire. We thought it's just a petty reason. Turns out there's a deeper reason and I hate myself for not knowing that. I could have done something to avoid this from happening.

"We're really sorry for making you feel that way, Marga." Lyndon said with a genuine smile.

"It's okay, Lyndon. Let's just start to be open to each other and have no secrets from one another. What are friends for?"

Marga's smile was our assurance that we're finally okay. I'm not asking for more. It's a good thing we're finally starting to be whole again. This is the most painful year for all of us. Our friendship is being challenged and as we go through with these challenges, I learned one thing and that is despite of every pain we experience, we need to be together and trust one another as we win life's battle.

"Where did you go when you left the restaurant?" I asked with a curious look.

"Well, I bumped into Ethan. He saw me crying so he had to cancel his appointment that day and accompany me until I feel better," she answered with a wide smile.

Seems like I was wrong about Ethan. He really do have good intentions with Marga so I must not stand on his way and trust him that he will never hurt Marga. I can see how happy Marga is and that's what I want for her. I want her to always be happy. I love it when I see her smiling.

"Do you have news for us?" I asked with a smirk. I saw Marga's face turning red because of my question.

"Seems like Ethan made our Margaux Lim fall for him, huh? I never saw Marga's face turned red like this before! Man, Ethan's effect on her is priceless!" Lyndon commented teasing Marga.

"Well... Ethan is courting me," Marga said trying to hide her face. I stared at her intently which made her shift her gaze.

"Congratulations, Marga. You deserve someone like Ethan. I'm happy for you and I'm sorry for acting insane whenever Ethan is around. Now I'm sure he is a good man and he will take care of you. Be happy, okay?" I answered with a sincere smile. She stared at me as if she can't believe what I just said. Lyndon laughed which caught her attention.

"Adam's just protective but Ethan proved himself that his intentions are not bad. I guess, Adam finally trust in him. I just hope Ethan won't let us down," Lyndon said still laughing.

"I can't believe this!"

I smiled seeing Marga's reaction. It's priceless! It's not as if I'll forever act like this. It's really just important for me to know the person first before I allow them to spend time with my friends. I don't like seeing random people around them. They are like family to me so I will never let anyone of them be in danger.

"How about you, Lyndon? When will you find your girl? You are this famous man but still you don't have a girlfriend?" I teased him with a smirk. He just scratched and shook his head.

It's good to be reconciled again. I just hope next time all of us will be reconciled. I hope so.

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