New Beginning in the Kingdom of Life

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Trigger Warnings: swearing

Remy and Virgil were walking down the street together, the older prince happily pointing out historic landmarks to his little brother as he was eager to prove how much he learned. They had made it to the blacksmith's corner where Virgil was suddenly shoved into a nearby bush by his brother.

"Remy what the-" Virgil started, but was cut off by Remy's paw on his muzzle.

"Shush! There he is!" Remy whispered-shouted while peering out of a small hole in the shrubbery.

"Who? Who Remy?!" Virgil hissed, looking out he thole too.

"Emile, the jeweler's son. Oh he's a sight for sore eyes," said Remy, a goofy, lovesick grin plastered on his face.

Virgil fake gagged at his older brother before looking out to see the white and silver wolf his big brother was mooning over. Emile was pretty, being rather small, lean built, soft white fur dusted with silver and large, caring amber eyes. The unknown stalky was looking at the new spring flowers, drinking in their fresh scents.

Virgil huffed at his brother's hopelessness and slunk out of the bushes despite Remy's extensive protests. Virgil then made his way over to the white wolf, holding his head and tail high as he marched up.

"Excuse me, Emile?" Virgil said, his voice wavering a tiny bit.

"Hmm? Oh, hello Prince Virgil, can I help you?" Emile asked, looking down at the young wolf with his amber eyes.

"My brother thinks you're cute, but is too afraid to tell you so I did it for him," Virgil stayed bluntly.

Emile's eyes widened and the pink insides of his ears darkened with blush.

"R-really? P-Prince Remy th-th-thinks I'm c-cute?" Emile stuttered, clearly taken aback.

"Yup and he's going to be here in three, two, one," Virgil said and when he stopped counting Remy was right next to him.

"I'm so sorry for my brother, he's never spoken to some as pretty- I'm mean nice!- as you! He can be a little blunt at times, sorry fo any inconvenience," Remy rambled, grabbing Virgil by the scruff.

"Wait! Um, I was wonder if you would like to maybe go hunting later today. If you're up for it," Emile said, his ears folding back with embarrassment.

"Oh- uhm. . . .I mean—-well," Remy sputtered causing Virgil to sigh and roll his eyes.

"He'd love to. He's free at sun high and you can meet him right here," Virgil said.

"Okay. See you then Remy," Emile smiled before prancing off.

Remy watched him leave with a bewildered, yet longing look on his face.

"You're welcome," Virgil muttered.

"You're a little shit," Remy sighed.

"A little shit that got you a date," corrected Virgil, a sly smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I guess. Com'on, I have to get ready now," Remy said, heading back to the castle with Virgil right behind him.


Virgil woke up to find himself in a brightly lit den and laying on a plush cotton bed. He looked around to see a vaguely familiar wolf rearranging some bottles on a shelf. The wolf was a light grey color with some white markings, though he couldn't see their eyes. Virgil pushed himself up from his sleeping spot and attracted the wolf's attention. They whipped their head around and broke into a huge grin.

"Virgil! Good to see you again!" they barked, trotting over with a sparking in their golden brown eyes.

"That voice was so familiar. Could it be. . ?"

"Thomas?" Virgil said while tilting his head.

"Yup!" they said, popping the 'p'.

"Thomas, oh my god Thomas!" Virgil cried leaping over to him and pulling him into an embrace.

Thomas returned the gesture, the two hugging for several minutes until Thomas pulled away.

"I've missed you, ya pain in the neck," Virgil said, sending Thomas into a laughing fit that soon infected Virgil.

They laughed for a bit until they managed to compose themselves enough to continue.

"Nice to see you haven't changed Virgil. We all missed you. Speaking of which, Remy wants to see you," Thomas said.

Virgil nodded and headed to the exit.

"Oh and Virgil once you're done I need you to come back, there's something I need to tell you," Thomas called.

Virgil responded then let his paws guide him to the meeting hall, twisting around memorized hallways and past nostalgic dens until he stood before the room. He paused for a second, trying to keep his building anxiety down as he stared at the entrance. Virgil took a deep breath before walking in.

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