Virgil of the MoonBlood Kingdom

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Trigger Warnings: (screw it Arron is now a trigger) Arron, swearing

Virgil stood atop the rock collection with all his friends lined up behind him and his whole army lined up down as single street. They were more than prepared when Talyn and Joan came marching down the street with Arron and his rather meek army right behind them. Virgil felt his pelt bristle and his blood boil at the sight of his soon to be ex-mate who was wearing his comically obnoxious gold crown with clearly fake rubies and diamonds molded into it. He had a slight snarl on his lips as he looked at Virgil, probably displeased that he actually had to look up at someone rather than down.

"Well ain't this a pretty sight. Virgil thinks he can stop me from taking him back to the place he belongs. Well newsflash love, I still own you. Now come down here like a good pet so we can go home," Arron cackled, many MoonBlood soldiers' muzzles twitching at the insult on their leader's name.

Virgil had to suppress a growl rising in his throat before straightening up more, if that was even possible. He then looked down at the wolf who made his life a living hell for the past year and spoke.

"King Arron of the StarBlaze Kingdom, one year ago I made a promise to you that stated I belonged to you as a piece of your property if you swore not to harm my brother, King Remy of the SunLight Kingdom, the SunLight Kingdom or the MoonBlood Kingdom. Is this true?" Virgil started, knowing this speech by heart as he may or may not have practiced on Logan the day before.

"Yes love. We both remember that day," sneered Arron who was clearly trying to get under his skin.

"Well, I stand before you on the soil of MoonBlood Kingdom and ask the moon, stars, and sun to look down upon me as I say this. King Arron, from this day forward I revoke my promise to you, terminating any claim you have or had on me. I also hereby take up the kingship and responsibility of ruling the MoonBlood Kingdom as King Virgil, son of Queen Ilta and Queen Oriana. As this breaks our promise you now have the liberty to invade both the SunLight Kingdom and the MoonBlood Kingdom!" Virgil announced, his surprisingly powerful voice projected to the ranks below.

Arron's lips curled back into a snarl and his menacing golden eyes lit with fury.

"Then I'll do just that!" he snarled, spitting on the ground and just missing Talyn who looked behind them to give him a death glare.

"With what army?" asked Virgil in a deadly calm voice.

Arron whipped his head around to find his whole army behind bounded, muzzled, and held down by the MoonBlood army. Just as planned by Virgil and the generals the day before the MoonBlood soldiers made the StarBlaze soldier incapacitated to prevent any violence. Some wolves were struggling and thrashing, but most just laid there to accept their fate, as if they too where useless pawns in Arron's sick game of ruling. Just another expendable soldier to die fighting for a pointless cause.

"This means nothing! Come down and fight me Virgil! Prove to ME that you're not a coward!" Arron screeched, his nails digging into the ground.

By some miracle Virgil managed to keep his cool and looked Arron dead in the eyes. The same eyes that always seemed to haunt him, following where ever he when and could never escape from.

"You've have lost Arron. Take your army back to your kingdom. Don't do anything you know you'll regret," Virgil said, his voice calm once again which was another miracle.

Arron growled, his eyes darting around to find anything that could help him win this already lost fight. After finding none he snapped before turning around.

"Fine! But know this Virgil, you haven't won anything! I'll be back, you can never escape me!" Arron yelled as he ordered his army back.

Virgil watched as the wolves marched back out of the street with MoonBlood soldiers escorting them to the border of their land. Once gone Virgil let out a huge sign of relief before looking back at his friends with a huge grin.

"We did it," he breathed, his legs beginning to shake.

"No Virgil, you did it! You stood up to Arron! You made him turn back! You saved the kingdom!" said Janus, a smile on his face too.

"Yeah. . . . yeah I guess I did," Virgil said, a dry chuckle coming from his throat.

"You were amazing Virgil," Logan said, pressing his forehead against Virgil's.

"Thanks stardust," Virgil whispered.

"KING VIRGIL! KING VIRGIL!" someone from below cried.

Virgil whipped around to find a small, fail looking StarBlaze wolf running to him. Talyn and Joan where trotting right behind him as he wasn't fast nor strong so he didn't pose a threat.

"Yes? Who are you?" Virgil said.

"My name is Yoogie of the StarBlaze Kingdom and I need to warn you!" the wolf, Yoogie, cried.

"What is it?!" Virgil asked, worry twisting in his stomach.

"King Arron is heading to the SunLight Kingdom after he ordered his army to go back to the kingdom! He said he's going to kill King Emile!" Yoogie cried, their twig like frame visibly trembling.

Virgil's eyes widened before he leaped down from his spot on the stones and dashed down the street. He heard several more wolves running along with him.

"We have to get back!" he heard Remy bark, panic clear in his voice.

"Why do you think we're running dipshit?!" Remus snapped, but not meaning to be rude. He always snaps and sounds rude when he's worried so it was no surprise.

"Just run!" Virgil shouted as they all charged to the SunLight Kingdom.

Doot doot doot doooooo! New chapter! Arron is an asshole! But what else is new?!

Doot doot doot doooooo! New chapter! Arron is an asshole! But what else is new?!

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Here's the terrible boy's crown. I just love how fake and plastic it looks; ya know, like Arron.

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