[Midoriya Izuku X Reader] Part 3/3 (LEMON)

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Spring Break had just ended and you were on the train back to Tokyo from Shimoda where you were spending your break at your parents' beach house. You couldn't wait to get back to U.A. High to see Midoriya again. You remembered the promise you made to him over Spring Break and it made you blush. Midoriya was dared by Bakugo to send you a nude or else he would break his phone. Midoriya reluctantly sent you explicit pictures of himself because he didn't want a broken phone. In order to compensate for his embarrassment, you promised him that you would have sex with him when you got back from Shimoda. You were kind of excited to get intimate with Midoriya but you were also nervous. You saw how big he was in the nudes that he sent you. You wondered if he would even fit inside. Meanwhile, Midoriya was at the drugstore to buy some condoms for your time together after you got back. He walked to the family planning isle of the store and looked at the all the condom choices. He wasn't quite sure which one to pick, there were so many of them. He started blushing at the thought of doing it with you.

"Anything I can help you find?" A woman came up to Midoriya, wearing an employee uniform. That startled Midoriya, causing him to jump.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. It just looked like you were having trouble finding something so I came over to help." She said with a friendly tone, chuckling.

"Oh um... well... thanks. Um... I sorta need help picking out the right condoms. Me and my girlfriend are going to be hanging out tonight and I want to be prepared just in case." Midoriya said, twisting the truth a little. You two were for sure going to have sex, but he didn't feel comfortable telling the woman the straight truth.

"Hmm well I can help with that. Is this your guys' first time?" The woman asked as Midoriya just nodded his head yes.

"Since it's both your guys' first time I'd also recommend getting some lubricant to make penetration easier on her. She'll still feel a bit of pain, but it will go in smoother with the lube. I would recommend the ultra thin condoms coated with spermicides. You can barely tell you're wearing it so it's like your as close to your partner as if you would be going bare. The spermicide is an extra precaution against an unwanted pregnancy. Also, make sure to get the right size condom for you." The woman explained to Midoriya.

"Thank you very much." Midoriya thanked the woman as he started looking at the guide chart on the back of a box of spermicide coated ultra thin condoms.

"No problem! Hey, good luck with your girlfriend." The woman smiled and winked at Midoriya who started to blush a little. Not from the woman winking at him, but from the thought of having sex with you. He then pushed those thoughts aside as he resumed studying the measurement guide on the back of a condom box. Thank goodness he measured himself right before he went to the drugstore.

"Let's see, length 22.86 cm (9 inches) and girth 12.7 cm (5 inches), length 22.86 cm and girth 12.7 cm, 22.86 cm and 12.7 cm." Midoriya muttered to himself as he ran his finger over the condom size chart. People looked at him strangely as they passed him by.

"Looks like I'll need an extra large size." Midoriya said as he picked out a box of XL spermicide coated ultra thin condoms and a small bottle of lube before heading towards the checkout. Meanwhile, you just got off the train in Tokyo. You were a little hungry and thirsty so you headed to the drugstore near the train station. You were a block away from the drugstore when you saw Midoriya just leaving it.

"Izuku!" You yelled to Midoriya and ran towards him. He turned around and smiled as you tackled him with a hug.

"I missed you so much! I almost wanted Spring Break to end early just so I could see you again." You said as you gave him a peck on the lips. Your eyes then traveled to the plastic bag Midoriya was carrying.

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