[Todoroki Shoto X Reader] Part 1/2

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You and Todoroki Shoto have been dating for three years now, today being your anniversary. You met Todoroki at U.A. High School. He was in the Hero Course, class 1-A while you were in the Support Course, class 1-H. Your quirk was called mechanical insight. You could visualize, assemble, take apart or rebuild literally anything down to the tiniest mechanism extremely fast. Because of your incredible quirk, you were immediately recommended into U.A. High School's Support Course as soon as you graduated from middle school. You were also hired by a professional hero costume company. This company was partnered with U.A. High School and made hero costumes for their students. They put you in charge of designing and making a hero costume for two students named Todoroki Shoto and Midoriya Izuku. Your method of designing hero costumes was to first gather their ideas for their costume, then get to know them really well and make suggestions or changes based on what you knew about them and their abilities. You ended up falling in love with Todoroki as you got to know the two guys. Midoriya was a really sweet and nice guy, but he just wasn't your type. Eventually you gathered the courage to ask Todoroki out and he accepted. You have been going out ever since. You were in your bedroom getting ready for your date with Todoroki. He said to wear something really nice because you were going to go to a fancy restaurant as well as meet his dad today for the first time in person. Todoroki didn't have the best relationship with his dad so he held off on letting you meet him, that is until today. He hadn't even told his dad that he was dating you because he was afraid that he would force him to break up with you, thinking you might get in the way of his goal. So Todoroki figured that maybe Endeavor would be more accepting of you if he kept you a secret until he graduated from U.A. High. That way, his dad would see that you were not a distraction in the way of his goal to become the world's number 1 hero.

"Hmm, what should I wear?" You thought out loud as you stood there in front of your closet, wrapped in a towel because you just took a shower. After a while of thinking, probably a bit too hard, you finally settled on a medium length (f/c) floral patterned dress. You then went into your bathroom to fix up your hair. Just as you finished doing your hair, you heard the doorbell ring. Excited, you ran downstairs to let Todoroki in. You opened the door to see him all dressed up in a white suit, black dress shirt, and blue tie. He was hiding something behind his back.

"You look beautiful (y/n)." Todoroki said as he blushed a little, staring at your figure in that dress. He couldn't take his eyes off you.

"Thank you! You look very handsome in that suit Sho-kun." You said, poking your finger at his chest. Todoroki just blushed even more. There's one thing that's for certain, you were his weakness. You're the only one he truly opened up to.

"Th-thanks. I brought you something. It's a bit cliché, but I hope you like it." Todoroki said as he handed you what he was hiding behind his back: a bouquet of red roses.

"Aww Sho-kun, I love it! Thank you so much!" You said as you took the bouquet from him, hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Shall we get going?" Todoroki asked as he held out his hand. You smiled, nodded your head and took his hand and headed on your way to his house first to go meet his father, Endeavor. You arrived at Todoroki's large Japanese style house and waited for him to open the door to let you in. Waiting for the two of you inside was the world's current number 1 hero Endeavor.

"Shoto, you wanted me to be home at this time for something important right?" Endeavor said to your boyfriend.

"Yes father. I want you to meet (y/n). She's my girlfriend." Todoroki introduced you to his dad. Endeavor looked at you as you nervously smiled up at him.

"H-hi, it's really nice to meet you." You said as you held out your hand to Endeavor who didn't return your handshake but just looked at you with a serious expression on his face before turning to Todoroki.

"Shoto, you don't have time for a girlfriend. You need to focus on your goal." Endeavor said firmly to Todoroki who frowned back.

"(y/n) is no hindrance to me. We've already been dating for three years now. I've already graduated from U.A. High and I have been doing fine in working towards my goal. This is exactly why I refrained from telling you about this!" Todoroki raised his voice at his father who raised a fiery eyebrow. A moment of silence followed.

"Hmm I see. Well then, in that case, come in (y/n). If you are to be with my son, I must get to know you more." Endeavor said to you as he started to lead the way to the living room with you and Todoroki following behind. As you both followed Endeavor, you felt like he meant something more than what he said. Like he was implying that he wanted to get to know you so that he could evaluate if you were good enough for his son. When you reached the living room, the three of you sat down.

"So (y/n), tell me about yourself." Endeavor said as he crossed his legs and folded his arms across his chest.

"Well um, I was a student in U.A.'s Support Course. My quirk is called mechanical insight. It allows me to visualize literally anything down to the tiniest mechanism. My unusually high dexterity and accuracy allows me to build, take apart, or reconstruct anything I see or come up with faster than normal. I'm also an employee of a hero costume making company. They're partnered with U.A. High School and makes costumes for its students. That's how I met your son. Even though we went to the same school, the Support Courses and Hero Courses rarely ran into each other. It was through my job that I met Shoto. I was assigned to make his hero costumes by my employer." You told Todoroki's father a bit about yourself. Endeavor put his hand on his chin and scratched his fiery beard. Awkward silence filled the room.

"So you're a support type. What you're basically saying is that you'd be pretty useless in upfront battles against villains." Endeavor said, removing his hand from his chin.

"Umm, well..." You started to answer Endeavor, but Todoroki cut you off.

"That doesn't matter! (y/n) is amazing, she was the top student in the Support Course. Besides, heroes need costumes and gadgets that suit and enhance their quirks in order to do the best job they can. Without people like (y/n), pro-heroes wouldn't be able to utilize their full potential. I want to be with (y/n) and there's nothing you can do or say that can change my mind." Todoroki stood up and raised his voice at his father. You had never seen him like this before.

"Shoto, your quirk and (y/n)'s quirk aren't a good combination. I want my grandchildren to be able to handle themselves in tough and dangerous situations on their own. If they inherit (y/n)'s quirk, they're as good as dead if they find themselves in a confrontation with a villain." Endeavor said as Todoroki seemed to get even more angry at his words.

"Umm, actually, while I my quirk doesn't directly grant me any fighting power, it allows me to create weapons and gadgets I can use that are very useful on the battle field." You pointed out. That didn't seem to impress Endeavor at all.

"Exactly, (y/n) knows how her quirk works and knows how to compensate for its weaknesses. She's perfectly capable of fighting a villain or villains." Todoroki defended you.

"I want my grandchildren to be able to rely on their own powers, not weapons or gadgets." Endeavor said firmly as Todoroki got even more annoyed.

"I don't care about what you want, father. In case you haven't noticed, I've never cared about what you wanted. You never loved me as your son. You only thought of me as a tool to surpass All Might because you couldn't do that yourself. You never cared about what I want, so why should I care about what you want? Come on (y/n), let's go." Todoroki said as he grabbed your hand and led you out of his house and headed towards the restaurant you guys were going to have dinner at.


Thanks for reading! This is part 1 of my Todoroki Shoto X Reader fan fiction which is story 3 of my Various X Reader collection which features male characters from various anime and video games. This Todoroki Shoto X Reader will be a two shot story with part 2 being a lemon. Are you ready to get it on with Todoroki?

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