[Todoroki Shoto X Reader] Part 2/2 (LEMON)

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(r/n) = restaurant's name
(f/d) = favorite drink
(f/f) = favorite food
(s/n) = son's name

Todoroki had brought you to his house to introduce you as his girlfriend to his father, Endeavor. It didn't go too well. Endeavor at least doesn't think that you're a hindrance to Todoroki and his goal, but he didn't approve of the combination of yours and his quirks if you were to have children together someday. Todoroki got mad and ended the visit abruptly. The two of you were now heading to the restaurant you were going to have dinner at to celebrate your three year anniversary. There was an awkward silence between the two of you on your way to the restaurant. You looked at Todoroki, and you could tell he was very upset. He noticed you staring at him with worry.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you just because my father doesn't approve of our quirk combination. I love you far too much." Todoroki said, leaning in and kissing your forehead as he ruffled your hair. You giggled as you clung to his arm and leaned up against his shoulder. It was 5:30 pm and the two of you arrived at the restaurant.

"Hello and welcome to (r/n)." She said, smiling as the two of you approached.

"Hi, we have a reservation for two at 6:00. Sorry we're a bit early." Todoroki said as the hostess grabbed two menus.

"No worries, we can seat you right away. There's no one at the table right now. So is this a special occasion? We have deals for certain special occasions." The hostess said as she started to lead the way to your table.

"It's our three year anniversary today." You said happily.

"Ahh, a young marriage. Congratulation! Yeah, we have an anniversary deal." The hostess said as you and Todoroki blushed.

"Umm, actually we're not married yet. It's been three years since we started dating." You corrected her politely.

"Oh sorry about that. I just assumed you two were married because you said it was your anniversary. You guys make a cute couple. We have a couple's deal as well. So enjoy yourselves tonight." She said as she put the menus on the table and left. You and Todoroki sat down at the table across from each other and started looking at the menu. The waiter came up to the table with a pitcher of water.

"How are we doing today? Can I get you guys something to drink?" The waiter asked as he poured glasses of water for you two. You looked at Todoroki and he nodded for you to go first. Such a gentleman.

"We're doing well, thank you. It's our three year anniversary today. I'll have (f/d) please." You ordered your drink. The waiter smiled and nodded, then turned to Todoroki.

"Water is fine." Todoroki said as the waiter bowed and left to get your drink. While you waited for your drink, the two of you looked at the menu to decide on a meal.

"Wow this restaurant is great, Sho-kun! It has all my top favorite foods plus more." You said with excitement. The waiter came back with your drink.

"Here you go ma'am. Are we all set to order or do you need more time?" The waiter asked as he got out a pen and a pad of paper. You looked at Todoroki who put his menu down and nodded, signaling he was ready to order. You nodded in return.

"I think we know what we want. I'll have the (f/f) please. Thank you very much." You said as the waiter wrote down your order.

"I will have the Zaru Soba served cold please. Thank you." Todoroki said as the waiter wrote down his order.

"Okay, I'll be back with your orders as soon as possible. I'll put them under the anniversary deal for you." The waiter said as he grabbed the menus and left the two of you alone at the table. There was an awkward silence between the two of you. The only sounds were the clinking of silverware on dishes and the light buzzing of conversations from other tables.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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