Chapter One

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    Dusting the pale pink powder onto the apples of my cheeks a last time, I clasp the small compact closed. Gazing into the mirror, the woman in front of me is not one I would've recognized a year ago. I'd cut my long locks into a short bob of wavy black hair. Bangs covered my forehead and brushed against my dark eyebrows. I needed the change after my father's death. In a way, I think my adolescence died with him. I was no longer the sweet young girl very few gave a second glance. I'd become a bartering chip in their elaborate game of greed. A grieving woman, vulnerable to the likes of the high status men that pursue her.

     I was not surprised to hear of my mother's deal. One she did not concern me in the slightest. I'd learned my fiancé's name today, Pride. How fitting of a billionaire, it was almost comical. I often imagined his appearance. Far too old for me, an aged face with a groomed beard. A man of little morals. How else would one be, essentially buying a twenty two year old woman, whom he's never once spoken to?

     Perhaps if I act atrociously enough at this joke of an engagement party, he would decide against taking my hand. I smile thinking of what hell I could raise, but quickly shake the idea. This company was all that was left of my father, tarnishing it's name would mean a great deal of disrespect.

My father was a good man, not all of his choices were perfect, such as his marriage to my mother for example. But, he had no ill will. He was an amazing father and an even better business man. He could convince anyone of anything, a rather dangerous trait that earned him the majority of his fortune. I had no idea what drew him to my mother, a conniving woman ruled by vanity and other's perceptions. I often think I was the only reason he'd stayed by her side once her façade had ran its course and she'd gotten exactly what she wanted, as she always does.

Looking myself over once more, I force a smile. One that quickly drops as my heart clenches at what was to come. I, much like my mother, would have to put on a mask tonight. A clear display of my obedience. The very thought causes nausea to arise within me.

Frantic knocking sounds from my bedroom door. I don't have to ask who it is to know. "Hurry, Ember! I will not have you make us late, not for such an important meeting." She hisses through the door. I scoff, pulling on a black coat. I casually walk to the door, clutch in hand. Opening it, I'm met with my mother's scrutinizing gaze that sweeps over every part of my appearance. A grin pulls at her thin lips.

"You look beautiful." She admits. "Now, lets get to the car, it's a fifteen minute drive, we must hurry." She pulls me down the narrow hall by my sleeve.

The drive was quite short, too short. I had little time to prepare mentally for this introduction. I had no idea what to expect from this man, Pride, who I assumed was going to be very calculated in our presence. At least he would be, if he were smart.

As the vehicle came to a stop, I fold my hands nervously. As the driver makes his way to my side of the car, I step out onto the paved driveway. Looking up, I'm met with modern luxury. A multi million dollar contemporary styled home sat atop a hill, shaded by the thick forest that surrounds it.

My mother meets me, linking her arm with my own. Glancing at me a last time, a broad smile pulls at the edges of her lips, silently telling me that the show begins now. We walk to the large set of front doors which are immediately opened upon our arrival. Forcing a smile that does not reach my eyes, we are greeted by a tall man who smiles wickedly. I'm instantly taken aback by his appearance, in his early thirties at most, he is admittedly an ethereal kind of handsome.

"A pleasure to meet you." Taking my hand, he brings it to his lips, placing a chaste kiss across my knuckles. His voice held a thick accent, one I couldn't quite place. Slightly stunned by his lack of gray hair, it takes me a moment to respond.

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