Chapter Five

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As we pull in to the driveway of my former residence, my heart clenches. This is where my father had spent his last few months alive, the place where I'd formed my fondest memories with my then intact family. Oblivious to the majority of my mother's antics, it was the last place I'd been truly happy.

Stepping out of car, the wind instantly hits my body, blowing my hair rather ungracefully. Wrath's hand finds its way to the small of my back as he leads me to the front door where we wait for my mother. After a few moments, she emerges with an impassive look, opening the door wider so that we both can walk in. She tries to hide it, but my eyes catch her fidgeting hands as she casts her gaze to Wrath who pays her no mind.

We pass her wordlessly, heading towards my old room to do the only thing we'd came here to do. As we enter my old room, I suddenly become aware of the intimacy of the situation. My room was a glimpse into my life, my interests. Wrath inspects the room with a soft expression, eyes scanning my art wall. I'd attended many art shows with my father who shared my great appreciation for other's work. Mainly portraits, I adored the ability of some to capture the human form.

"You enjoy art?" He asks, eyes trained on a particular piece. The silhouette of a woman barely illuminated, she faced the source of the light that reflected in her doe eyes, which were the focal point of the painting.

"Very much, I was going to go to school for art history." I reply, opening my closet doors.

"And now?" He asks.

"My mother was handed complete control of my finances. I was unable to get a job due to her threats, and was denied acceptance in every school I applied to. She made sure I was dependent on her." I explain shortly before beginning to pack my clothing. My chest stung at the conversation, how pathetic he must think I am. Living off the wealth of my deceased father without accomplishing anything of my own. In my peripheral vision, I see him approach the doorway of the closet.

"You need not worry about her influence anymore, Ember. I've taken care of whatever power she held over you." Anger brims his voice as he watches me pack my things closely. His words hold hidden meaning, but I decide not to ask what exactly consisted of taking care of it.

     "Make sure to take the thing of value, we will not be returning."

       I pack my clothing along with a few paintings and other memorabilia. Wrath helps me carry my bags to the car, my mother no where in sight. She hadn't bothered to see me off for what would most likely be the last time. I take one last glance around the foyer before closing the door softly behind me. As I did so, a heavy weight lifted from my shoulders. I was free of my mother and able to move forward. Hand in hand with a complete stranger, I remind myself.

      Wrath takes notice of my brief moment of relief, pushing a lock of hair away from my face to better observe the curving of my lips, the first time he'd seen me smile. His finger tips brush my cheek sending the sensation across half of my face. I instinctively move away from his touch to which his expression turns sour. Though the sensation is pleasurable it was foreign. Unnatural. And, frankly, unwanted.

      He doesn't look at me the entire way home. His eyes emotionless, trained on the road ahead. As we finally pull into the driveway, three other cars are already there, all black parked in a line. Wrath curses beneath his breath. They'd arrived early.

     "Address them as little as possible." Wrath demands, something harsh in his tone as he keeps his frustrated eyes on his visitor's cars. My eyebrows furrow at his command, I didn't appreciate being ordered around. However, Pride was going to be angry, his associates no doubt as well so it was best to keep communication at a minimum. I didn't want any interaction with the lot of them, but that was going to be hard to avoid at this point.

    As we enter his home, it was as if I'd thrown myself into the wolves den. They'd greeted us at the door as if it were their home and we were mere visitors intruding on their private affairs. Perfect smiles laced with malice. I briefly wondered how they'd managed to get inside themselves before Pride holds up a taunting finger, a spare key dangling from it. "I thought I'd let myself in. You were never so good at hiding things, brother." He chuckles, tossing the spare back at Wrath who catches it with ease wearing a bored expression.

    Suddenly Pride's attention falls onto me, more specifically my hand. Eyes instantly finding my engagement ring. Anger burns in his eyes but he forces a smile, taking strides in my direction. He takes my hand gently, lifting it to inspect the expensive piece of jewelry. "Beautiful," he says softly now peering down at me through thick lashes.

    Wrath is instantly at my side, wrapping an unmistakably possessive arm around my waist. "She most certainly is." He nearly growls, catching his intent. I clear my throat, growing immensely uncomfortable between the two.

   "I'll put this away first. Then drinks, yes?" I ask picking up the bags which contained what was left of my belongings. I walk briskly through the group of men in the stairs direction, leaving them to their own quarrels. I place the bags in my room, breathing in heavily a last time before reluctantly making my way back to the group of men who now stood in the living room. An unfamiliar man in staff's uniform offering the men glasses of water as tension fills the quiet room.

Wrath and Pride sit adjacent from one another while Pride's colleagues graze near the fire which burns violently, matching the chaotic energy of the room. Wrath's gaze catches mine as he motions for me to take the seat next to him with his eyes to which I comply. "So, my darling brother, when is the wedding?" Pride raises his brows, tapping his fingers onto the arm of the large leather chair he was seated in.

"Next week." Wrath's accent is thicker than normal as he draws out the words, his eyes flashing with anger. Pride gives a nod, suddenly producing a devious smirk. My heart clenches at the news. A week, that's all I have left.

"You have a lovely mate, Wrath, truly. If you hadn't stolen her from right underneath me, I surely wouldn't have been able to wait a week to wed her." His gaze flickers to mine then slowly travels down the length of my body. "Have you claimed her yet?"

Wrath's fist slams into the arm of his chair, nearly splitting it in half. Fire pours into those white irises as he glares daggers at his brother who remains unbothered by the sudden outburst. I want to shrink into my seat, but I keep my back straight, taking small sips from my water. Pride's language confuses me, but I didn't dare question him in this state.

"Don't speak of it." Wrath growls out challengingly.

"You're telling me you haven't told her?" Pride's fake shock turns into a dark expression. "Can the mortal not handle the-" Before he's able to finish his sentence, Wrath stands to his feet.

"Enough!" He roars, clenching and unclenching his fists at his side. Restraining himself from doing god knows what as the light of the fire reflects in his furious gaze.

   "Calm down now, Wrath. What would dear Ember think?" Pride's colleague asks teasingly. Erin, I think it was. Wrath rests back onto the chair, briefly glancing in my direction. Pride leans back with a satisfied smile as the man from before comes back into the room, producing glasses of scotch to which the men take greedily. All except Wrath take long gulps of the bitter liquid.

   Pride's voice breaks the silence. "I believe a toast is in order. To myself, if you don't mind." He smirks, raising a glass. "After all, I'm the one who brought you two together. Weeks of stalking just wasn't cutting it anymore, was it brother?" He asks taking a swig from his glass as his colleagues snicker amongst themselves. Stalking?

That's when Wrath's fist connects to the side of his brother's face. Punching him continuously, Pride's face becomes bloody and bruised in a matter of seconds. Horrified, I can't help but to grab onto Wrath's arm, preventing him from delivering another blow. Blood pools beneath them as I dig my fingers into his shaking form. "Stop!" I demand as he releases his brother from his vice like grip. Pride had dropped to his knees, holding the side of his face which swelled painfully. Spitting a mouthful of blood onto the wooden floor, he looks up at me.

   "That, my darling.." He chuckles to himself " Wrath's true nature."

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long! I was in the hospital.

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