Chapter Three

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Clapping her hands together, a smile crosses my mother's face before she retreats into the foyer to greet him. My stomach drops upon hearing the door open. I didn't look up when I heard heavy footsteps entering the dining room. Straightening my back, I could feel his intense stare, one I wouldn't allow him the satisfaction of returning. The slight smell of smoke drifts to my nose, confirming Wrath's presence.

    "Thank you for joining us for dinner, Mr. Crow. I hope you will like the food I had prepared for us." I hear my mother say, taking a seat closest to the stacked paper. Her tone was chipper but I sensed a tinge of uneasiness as her leg began to shake beneath the table. "Hopefully, this time we will all actually stay to eat." She warns in my direction. I make no move to respond as he takes the seat across from me.

    "I was wondering if there was any way we could compromise on the promise of no communication?" She surprisingly asks. I look up to see her staring pointedly at Wrath who appeared irritated by her question.

   "The contract is final." He simply states, already decided he would not budge on the issue. My shoulders relax at the assurance there will be no contact between us past the arrangement.

   "Fine." My mother sighs. "When do you plan to begin living together?"

    "I'm taking her with me tonight. We will return for her things in the morning." He states, leaving no room for argument. My eyes instantly snap to his teasing gaze. He was provoking me.

    "The contract doesn't state anything about that." I snap. He smiles, obviously finding amusement in my rage.

    "It does not, you are correct. But, how else are we to get to know each other? Soon you will be my wife, it isn't an outrageous idea to begin acquainting ourselves with one another before the ceremony." He says casually, leaning back in his chair. Color blossoms onto my cheeks as he refers to the inevitable, our marriage. Suddenly flustered, I shift in my seat.

    "Why are you suddenly interested in getting acquainted to me at this point? You don't know the first thing about me yet are willing to commit a lifetime to me. And for what? Petty competition?" I question, pressing my lips into a thin line. Wrath's playfulness had dulled as his emotionless eyes bore into mine. My mother clears her throat loudly as I glare at the man across from me.

"We should keep this civil, Ember." She presses noticing Wrath's sudden change in mood.

"I understand you are confused. But, you will find I am not a patient man. You'll come with me tonight." He finalizes the argument, a dangerous undertone to his voice. Not wanting to anger him further, I allow him to think he's won. I glance to my mother who eyes me angrily, pleading with me to do as he says.

The majority of the dinner is awkward. Only the sounds of silverware scrapping against plates fills the room as we eat in uncomfortable silence. My mother attempts to make small talk with Wrath a few times, but he only offers short replies, obviously not interested in her conversation. It was embarrassing to witness her forced laughter as she tried to lighten the mood that I so quickly dampened.

As we'd finished the meal, it became time to sign the paperwork. My mother is the first to sign. Licking the pad of her finger to turn each page, she begins to sign and initial the necessary places. As she finishes, she holds out the pen, urging me to take it with a smile.

Reluctantly, I grasp the pen. With both of their eyes on me, I struggle to focus, feeling a wave of pressure fall onto my shoulders. Worries, anger, and confusion cloud my mind as I stare down at the paper. Shaking the thoughts, I think of my father's reputation. The opportunity to escape my mother. A new last name, one without the instant association. Finally, I ink in my name. Ember Croftwell, in wispy letters sprawled out against the bold line.

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