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Unlocking the door, I quickly stepped inside and locked the door behind me. We had run out of supplies: food and clothes mostly. I had gone to the market with Andrei so that I wouldn't stick out. He had also lent me some clothes for Bucky, who had worn the same sweater and jeans since we had arrived. The apartment was silent except for the light pitter patter sound coming from the bathroom. I guess Bucky is taking a shower. I put the clothes on the sofa and started putting the food away where it went. I had just finished when I heard someone walk in behind me. Turning around, I saw Bucky standing there, a towel wrapped around his torso. His hair was wet, dripping a little onto the floor. My eyes subconsciously ran over his bare chest, my cheeks becoming more and more red by the second. He was more built than he used to be. But you don't hear me complaining. Finally getting a hold of myself, I looked away and I heard him clear his throat.

I shook my head and looked back to him, trying to keep my eyes locked on his. "Andrei gave you some new clothes." I told him, pointing to them on the couch. He nodded.

"Thank him for me." I smiled at him. He scratched his head and went to grab the clothes. Trying not to keep my eyes from drifting, I stared at the back of his head. From here, I could see how uneven his hair cut was and I could actually see his split ends.

"Do you want me to trim your hair?" I asked him, watching as he turned around to face me.

"You don't have to." He shrugged, looking at me. I bit my lip, remembering the last time Bucky had me cut his hair. It was right before he left for war and his hair had to be a specific style and length, so he had me cut it. Which of course, led to laughing and giggling and then he kissed me. I shook off the memory and ran my fingers through my hair.

"It's ok. I want to." We both stared at each other for a minute before I shook my head. "Plus you need it." I added, laughing a little. He nodded and we both smiled for a second before he left the look to change into clothes instead of wearing just a towel. When he came back, I had him sit him down on a stool.

I could tell we were both a little nervous when I pulled out the shiny silver scissors. Even though it wasn't a weapon, it might still make him nervous. We didn't know what would happen if he got too nervous. Neither of us really knew much about what was going on in his head and what the HYDRA scientists had done to him. But as soon as I took the first snip, it was like a breath of fresh air.

Soon I was finished and there was a small pile of his hair at my feet. It was only a trim but anyone could tell that it made him look better and more presentable. Using a brush, I gently brushed his hair, making sure that it was all even. When I was done, he stood up and some of the hair that rested on his neck, fell to the floor. He ran a hand through his hair and turned to me. "Mulțumesc." {Thank You.} I smiled at him, impressed at his Romanian.

"Cu plăcere." {With pleasure/You're welcome.} "Românul tău se apropie foarte bine." He stares back at me with a blank expression and I smile. He doesn't know what I said. I shake my head and look back up at him. "I said, your Romanian is coming along very well. We still have some work to do though." That comment put a smile on his face and he looked down at me. Our eyes stayed connected: his bright blue eyes that had lost their sparkle and my sage green eyes that only sparkled when he was around.

I think that's when I knew. Or at least when I had my first sneaking suspicion. "Cred că încă te iubesc." {I think I still love you.} I whispered, staring up at him. He gave me a confused look and my breathing quickened. I had suddenly realized how close he was to me. If either of us moved any closer, I could kiss him. And it was looking really tempting right now. Instead he grabbed my hand and caressed it softly, making my heart rate rise but the second. It was taking everything inside of me not to kiss him.

"What did you say?" He asked me, still wearing confusion on his face. I just smiled at him and shook my head.

"Nothing. Doesn't matter." I chuckled to myself and shook my head. Before he had a chance to do anything or say anything, I removed my hand from his and took a step back. I couldn't let myself fall for him. He doesn't need that in his life right now. He doesn't need more confusion. Looking down at the ground, I chuckled again and then pointed to my room. "I think I'm just going to go to bed. It's been a long day. You should get some rest too. You've had a couple nightmares this week." He nodded but continued to stare at me as I walked away. I could practically feel his eyes on me as I walked away. Just before I entered my room, I looked back at him to see him still looking at me. His eyes were soft and they reminded me of my Bucky. I gave him a small smile as I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Noapte bună." {Good night.} I smiled at him once more before nodding at him.

"Noapte bună Clara." A blush rose to my cheeks as he said my name, but it tried to hide it as I stepped into my room. Sliding down onto the floor against the door, I sighed, putting my head into my chest. I can't love him. When I rested my head against the door, I saw Bucky Bear sitting on my bed. I crawled to the bed and pulled the bear into my chest. My tears were silent as I slowly fell asleep, remembering the song that Bucky and I danced to all those years ago in our apartment.

Heart and soul, I fell in love with you

Heart and soul, the way a fool would do, madly

Because you held me tight

And stole a kiss in the night

Heart and soul, I begged to be adored

Lost control, and tumbled overboard, gladly

That magic night we kissed

There in the moon mist

Oh! but your lips were thrilling, much too thrilling

Never before were mine so strangely willing

But now I see, what one embrace can do

Look at me, it's got me loving you madly

That little kiss you stole

Held all my heart and soul

Broken Glass (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now