I Won't Say Im In Love (patient mark x doctor m! reader)

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"Hey we've got a code orange coming in on the east wing. He seems to be a mid 20 year old male with complaints of heart problems." The radio wired over, sitting on my desk. I looked up and clicked the talk button.

"Lower or mid chest?"


"His weight?"

"Around 180 lbs."

"Ok, that'll be all." I stood up and approached the door. The ambulance pulled up after a few seconds of waiting, paramedics rushed to the back. They pulled him out and rushed him inside. When he was wheeled past I noticed his features. He was a very attractive man with black hair. He was pushed into a room and I followed. The nurse quickly wheeled over my tools as I strapped the blood pressure monitor to his left arm. God it was huge and so muscular, my face glowed a bright red as I delicately felt on his muscles. I grabbed my fabric scissors and snipped open his shirt, revealing his chest. My heart fluttered and I blushed even more as I attached the heart monitors. He was under amnesia gas to slow his breathing and heart rate, making him less prone to something dangerous.

"Vitals are good... except for blood pressure.."

"DOCTOR, HE'S GOING INTO CARDIAC ARREST!" I quickly pulled off the monitors and began compressions, the nurse leaving to get defibrillators. After a few seconds of restarting his heart, he took a deep breath in and his eyes shot open. He was back. I slumped back in a chair and closed my eyes, catching my breath.

"You-you saved me!" He spoke, his rich and beautiful voice filling the quiet room. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

"Don't thank... me. It's my job..." I said between breaths.

"You saved my life! What can I do to make it up to you, doc?" He asked.

"You could start by getting rest, you'll be in here for a few days." I got up and walked out, telling my nurse that's there's no need for the defibrillators.

(Marks POV)
"God that doctor was cute." I whispered to myself. "He was fucking adorable... he saved my life. I have to repay him somehow..." I laid down into the bed, positioning the wires attached to me in a comfortable place.

I awoke with the moonlight pouring on my face. I sat up and looked out the window, gazing upon the pretty stars.


"Oh uh, hey there." I heard a familiar voice speak behind me. I turned my head around to see it was the same doctor from earlier today. I smiled and spoke.

"Hey, thanks for saving me. I mean it too, I almost lost my life today. I don't know how I'm not crying right now, but it's a big wake up call." He then walked up to the side of the bed. "I mean you're a doctor, you've probably heard people tell you this a million times, but you really are a life saver. Thank you! Is there anyway I can repay you? I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" He asked, gingerly.

"Anything!" I said, grabbing his hands.


"Take me on a date..." he said, looking me in the eyes.


"Ok!" I said smiling.

i'll always be right there (markiplier x m! readers) ~oneshots~ [ON GOING]Where stories live. Discover now