Bad Decisions

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(A/N: So? What'd ya think? This is gonna get very sad, but trust me, it'll get better.)

(3rd person POV)

Lance was still thinking of what to do when he snapped out of his thinking because he heard Keith talking. "Hey, Allura, is this temporary? Like..they're giving you some time to say your final goodbyes or something?" Wow. That must've hit a nerve for Allura. "Well, actually, I'm not quite sure. I do hope that it's not temporary." Keith just sighed quietly to himself. You couldn't tell, but he was extremely jealous. He didn't want Allura ruining his relationship with Lance.

Lance just took a few steps back, away from Keith and Allura. He went over to Hunk, Pidge, Shiro, Matt, and Coran. He joined in on whatever they were talking about. Keith was about to throw some hands at Allura because she was obviously eyeing Lance, but then Pidge walked over to them. "Well, we still don't exactly know why you're here or how, but we do know that this is definitely not temporary. It seems like you're in perfect condition and rather healthy."

Keith was screaming internally when Pidge said that. His relationship was about to be ruined all because Allura came back. And he knew it would. Lance would always talk about Allura and the fun times they had together. He would talk about their first kiss and how amazing it was. He would talk about literally anything he could think of that included Allura. Literally anything and everything. Even if it was simply them staring at each other. Weird.

Keith, of course, didn't think too much of it at the time. He figured that since Lance must've missed Allura that it was fine. I mean, no one could ever get over their lover dying. Right? Keith of course barely knew emotions because of how he grew up. He wished he could know how others felt, but he just wasn't used to emotions. But now he knew that Lance would never get over Allura. And now that she was actually here, he knew he had no chance with Lance. That's it. It was over. Keith would just have to break up with Lance. After all, that's what Lance would want. Right?

Keith walked over to Lance and said exactly this with a serious tone and face. "Lance, I need to talk with you in private." Lance knew something was up. Something was bothering Keith, but he didn't know what. What is up with Keith? He thought. So, he walked with Keith. They went into a quiet alley. "What's up?" Lance asked Keith. And Keith broke into tears. Keith quickly wiped them away, but they just kept falling. Lance was worried sick.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Lance tried to help Keith wipe his tears but Keith quickly backed away. "Don't touch me..." Lance was worried, confused, and sad. What was going on? Lance had no idea what was happening. "Lance, I'm sorry. I can't do this. Especially since Allura is back." Keith looked down, still crying. "What do you mean? What's going on?" Lance was so confused. What does he mean "Especially since Allura is back"?

"Lance...I'm breaking up with you." Lance fell to his knees in shock and tears started to fall. Keith cried even more, but then quickly ran away. He ran as fast as he could. And all he could hear was Shiro yelling his name in the distance. Everyone was confused that day. Everyone except Allura. Because she knew that she would finally have Lance to herself. With Keith out of the way, all she would need to do is comfort Lance. To always be around him. And then confess her feelings again. Then, she could have him to herself just like before.

All to herself.
Yo yo yo! It's me trying to lighten up the mood! And failing miserably....


Hope you stay safe during quarantine and stay healthy! Remember to social distance and wash your damn hands!

Thanks for reading! (I'm speaking to that one person who actually reads this book. You know who you are.)

This is Author-Trash signing out.
Words: 695

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