Back Together

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(A/N: I hope y'all have liked this book. This is actually one of my favorites because I actually planned out everything.)
(3rd person POV)

Lance looked down at who was hugging him. "Keith?" Keith let go of Lance and smiled. "Hey, Lance." Lance was very confused. Veronica and him were just talking about Keith and all of a sudden he shows up? Was he spying on them? "Why are you here?" Keith looked as if he had just remembered what he was doing there. "I came to get you." Lance looked behind Keith and then back at him. "Why?" Keith looked in Lance's eyes.

"Zethrid created the clone. The rest of the team is trying to track her down. I came to get you because we need all the help we can get." Lance nodded his head in agreement. "Alright. Let me get my armor." Lance walked into his room and closed his door. A few minutes past and he finally opened it. "Alright. Let's go." Lance said goodbye to Veronica and hugged her. He went with Keith in the black lion. He didn't currently have his lion because it was kept far away with the rest of them. Keith had his because of his Blade of Marmora missions. Charity basically.
(A few hours later)

Lance and Keith arrived at the location Pidge sent them. The rest of the paladins and the Atlas were already fighting Zethrid's team. Hunk had brought his Lion, but also the red lion, so that way Lance had his own. They didn't need to form Voltron because they had the Atlas and Zethrid didn't have a big team. While the others were fighting off Zethrid's team, Lance and Keith decided to fight Zethrid.

"You'll never defeat me." Zethrid looked very angry with them, but why? They had helped her out. They even found Ezor! "Why are you doing this?" Keith looked at Zethrid with pure anger. None of this would've happened if she wasn't alive and it was all his fault. "Because. The alien you gave me wasn't Ezor. That was a clone! A fraud!" Zethrid was even more upset and angry. "Well, I'm sorry, but we can't revive the dead!" Lance was pissed off. He lost Allura once. He didn't need to feel the pain of loosing her twice.
(After the battle)    (sorry I'm just not good at battle scenes lmao)

Everyone was at Pidge's house relaxing. "Woah, I am exhausted!" Hunk was really tired and was sweating a whole lot. "I could go for some food." Casual Hunk. Always wanting to cook and eat something. "Food would be nice." Pidge went over with Hunk and helped him out with the cooking. She had learned how to cook from her mother while she was grounded a few years back.
(A/N: remember season 8? Yeah she was grounded for leaving and not telling her mom. Lmao)

Lance was sitting down on the couch. Keith came over and sat next to him. "Hey, um, sorry know..." Keith whispered to Lance. Lance just looked up at Keith, confused. "Sorry for what?" Lance was so oblivious. "I'm sorry about" Keith inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm down his nerves. "...sorry for breaking up with you for no reason apparently." Lance just laughed. Keith was confused. "Why the hell are you laughing?" Lance kept laughing uncontrollably. He could barely breathe. The others were also confused, but they ignored Lance cause he was usually like this.

"We just went through.." Lance inhaled trying to catch his breath and calm down. "...a whole battle and the only thing you can think of is how badly you screwed up?" Lance calmed down and looked at Keith. Keith was looking down at the floor. "Look at me." Keith looked at Lance and then back at the floor. Lance sighed and lifted Keith's chin with his fingers, forcing Keith to look at him. "You don't need to be sorry. People make mistakes, sure, but we all learn from it in the end." He let go of Keith's chin and smiled. "Don't be so hard on yourself."

Keith felt a single tear run down his cheek. He was surprised at that happening and so was Lance. They both knew that Keith barley cried and when he did, it meant that he was in a very emotional state. Lance wiped Keith's cheek where his tear was. Keith blushed and looked into Lance's ocean blue eyes. Suddenly, they heard a cough coming from the other side of the room and they immediately looked over. It was Pidge. "Uh, I love you guys a whole lot and all, and yeah, I ship you two together..." She sighed and shook her head. "No P.D.A please." Everyone laughed, excluding Keith who was a blushing mess.
Yeah so chapter is the last one..hopefully.

I dont want this being too long ya know?

-This is Author-Trash signing out-
Words: 830

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