She Got What She Wanted

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(A/N: I know that this seems sad, but trust me, this is a Klance book, obviously they will get back together in the end....right?)
(3rd Person POV)

Ever since the break up, Keith has been trying his hardest to ignore Lance. With both texting and in real life. No matter what, Keith was not going to see or talk to Lance. He just couldn't. If he did, he would immediately feel guilty. Why? Because he didn't want to break up with Lance in the first place.

Lance meant everything to Keith. The only reason he broke up with Lance was because he knew he didn't stand a chance against Allura. She was Lance's previous lover and if anything Lance deserved her. They were the perfect couple. Keith and Lance? They were just gay lovers where one was still in love with the previous ex and the other was too insecure to stay in the relationship.

Now it was Lance and Allura. Not Lance and Keith. Allura got what she wanted. And Lance got what Keith thought he wanted. At first, Lance was fine with Allura. He still missed Keith, but now he had Allura. She was beautiful and amazing. She was smart, funny, and kind to others. Was. She was. Now, it was different. She was different. She wasn't the same Altean that Lance had met. Something was off about her.

Lance put it behind him though. Maybe it was because she experienced death? He just  kept that reason with him and put the rest in the back of his mind. He just wanted to be happy. That's all that matters in life, right? To be happy? He hoped so. Lance went over to Allura and she immediately hugged him. "I love you, Lonce." She kissed him on the lips. "I love you too Allura." Lance said through a smile.

He was happy. He was happy because Allura was happy. But in reality, he wasn't happy about anything else. He wanted Keith back. But he knew he could never get him back. Keith was out of his life forever. That's what it seemed like. Lance was dying inside little by little each day that passed without Keith. But he didn't think much of it. He was supposed to be dating Allura. It's what Keith wanted. It's what Allura wanted. It's what his father wanted.

His father. His father was homophobic. He didn't like Keith or their relationship. Lance's father was glad that Allura was back. He told Lance that he was glad that he finally got some sense to date a girl and get rid of that f*****. Lance couldn't believe his ears. My father called Keith the f word. Lance just couldn't believe it. Is my dad really that homophobic? Now he knew that Allura was the right decision. If he had stayed with Keith, he wouldn't be accepted in his family.

Keith on the other hand didn't have to worry too much about it. He was accepted as gay. His mother, Krolia, was always there for him. And to be honest she loved that Keith was gay because she could go shopping with him and he wouldn't complain. Want to go shopping in hot topic? Yes was always the answer. And Keith would always get something super emo or super gay. And she was proud. Proud to be in his life. Proud to be his mother. Proud that he was gay.

Keith knew about Lance's father being homophobic. That was another reason that he broke up with Lance. He didn't want his father to kick Lance out of the house. Especially not now. Lance needed parents in his life. He was still in the process of trying to figure himself out. He needed people in his life that care for him. And if he got kicked out he might hate himself even more. Even more to the point where he might hurt himself.

Keith missed Lance. Lance missed Keith. And Allura broke them apart. It's her fault. But..she's different. Way different. She's not herself. She's not the same. So is this really Allura? Or is this a demon? Whatever she is, she destroyed everything for Lance and Keith. And she was going to pay later on.
So? What'd think? I'm mostly talking to that one person who reads this. Thank you by the way. Means a lot.

Go check out LoadingTrash-
It's an account that Loading_Name_ and I made. We have a book on there. It's also Klance...but it's the Altean x Galra kind.
I dont even know why I'm putting this here if no one reads this crap

Oh well..
Thanks for reading.

This is Author-Trash signing out-
Words: 790

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