The End

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(A/N: And so..we come to the ending..its been so fun and now it's the end..I literally love this book so much, yall have no idea. It's literally one of my prized possessions.)
(3rd person POV)

A few months had past. Keith and Lance were dating, which honestly, no surprises there. They loved each other so much. Pidge would often find them both making out and would talk about P.D.A and stuff which would make them both a blushing mess. They have now learned to keep it to a peck on the lips and no more in public. However, when it came to the bedroom, get the idea. 😏

Lance was walking out of his room and was greeted by none other than his boyfriend, Keith Kogane. "Hey, babe." Lance smiled and pecked Keith on the cheek. "Good morning, mullet." Keith shook his head in disapproval. "You always ruin the moment when you say that." Lance laughed and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Keith followed close behind. "You know you love me." Keith just looked at Lance with a blushing face. "Do I know that? Yes, yes I do." (A/N: Nick and Judy reference?? Eh??) Keith then placed his arms around Lance's waist from behind, while Lance cooked breakfast.

After breakfast they decided to go to Pidge's house to meet up with the team. Today they were celebrating. What were they celebrating exactly? Well..Hunk and Shay got engaged! Yay! But, don't worry, unlike some people, they actually have dated a whole lot and got to know each other first. (A/N: know exactly what I'm talking about. :/) And now they were getting married! Hunk had just proposed to Shay the day before and they both broke the news a few hours after. Now everyone was going to celebrate! They weren't celebrating until dinner time, but the team, excluding Hunk, wanted to throw a huge surprise party for the newly engaged couple.

They had planned for this before it even happened because they already knew that Hunk would propose to Shay, they just didn't know when. So all they had to do was actually set up everything! Pidge had went with Hunk and Shay to keep them away from everyone else and keep them occupied. It was pretty easy to do so. She just asked Hunk if he could teach her how to make a huge meal for Thanksgiving in case she decided to throw a party for it. He immediately took her hand and Shay's hand and off to the store they went.

Now the rest of the team, including Coran and Shiro's husband (Curtis), had to quickly set up decorations, tables for the food, etc. (A/N: Holy snickerdoodle, I just now realized it's all guys. oof) Shiro, Curits, and Keith were in charge of setting up tables and chairs. Lance and Coran handled the decorations. After a few hours of hard work, they had finally finished setting up. Shiro got a call from Pidge and she said that they were on their way. He said, "Okay, we'll get ready for the surprise part then," and ended the call. "Okay, team, it's time." They all got in position after Lance quickly turned all of the lights off.
(Hunk's POV)

I step out of the car and get some of the food that I had made with Pidge and Shay. They had also gotten some of it. I don't know why Pidge would want all of this food, but maybe she was going to eat it with her family. That would make sense. Pidge gets the door and I thank her as I walk in. She turns on the lights and I see the tables, so I put the food there. It's funny, I don't remember her having tables and chairs set up.. Once I put the food down, and so does Pidge and Shay, we walk into the living room.

"SURPRISE!!!!" I jump from the sudden loud noise and look to see the rest of the team, as well as Coran and Curtis. I break down into tears. "Y-You guys!" I was so happy to see them all there. I had read their sign which said 'Congrats Hunk and Shay!' Shay must've read it to because she also started to tear up. Not as much as me though. Eheh. We hug each other and everyone else joins in. Emotions filling the room. Today was definitely one of my favorite days.
(Lance's POV)

After we all hug, we eat the food that Hunk, Shay, and Pidge made. It was DELICIOUS. I thanked the three of them for the food. I don't usually do that, but I'm also not used to eating with other people outside of my large family. Oh and because I usually just cook for myself. Don't laugh, you'll look like a psychopath. Yikes. After everyone had settled down, we all played some games and watched a movie. This was the most fun I've had in a while. I see Keith smile. He smiled. God he's hot. And his smile is just so cute.

I walk over to him while he laughs at Shiro's dad joke. I come up from behind him and signal Shiro to not tell Keith that I'm there by putting my finger to my lips. He nods at me and I continue with what I'm about to do. I hug him from behind and kiss his neck. He giggled and turned around to look at me. I see that blush, mister. You can't fool me. "Hi, Lance." His voice is so smooth yet deep. I love it. "Hola cosas calientes." I whisper in his ear and he blushes even more.

"You know..I learned Spanish..right?" He whispers and I go wide eyed. Shit. "Are you fluent..?" Please say no..please say no.. "Yeah." God dammit. "What did I just say..." He looks at me and says, "Hi hot stuff." Fuck. I think I was blushing cause I could feel heat rise to my cheeks. I think Keith noticed too cause he smirked. he knows that I think guys who can speak Spanish are hot. "Te amo desde la luna y de regreso." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Keith if you don't stop, you're gonna regret it... "¿Eres del espacio exterior? ¡Porque tu cuerpo está fuera de este mundo!" Hey that's my line! It's still hot though...
(A/N: Translations: "I love you from the moon and back." "Are you from outer space? Because your body is out of this world!")
(Keith's POV)

It's fun teasing Lance. It's so easy as well. All I have to do is say something hot in Spanish and he gets turned on. How do I know? Well I just said two sentences in Spanish and he has a hard-on. "We're gonna have to take care of that." He looks down and finally notices it. Now he's a blushing mess. That's okay. I'll just pick him up bridal style. "Hey, guys, sorry to leave so soon, but Lance is really tired, so I'm going to take him home." They all say okay and I walk out of the house with Lance in my arms.

I put Lance in the seat next to the driver's seat. I close the car door and then walk over to the driver's side and open the door. I can see him struggling. "Just wait a little longer. My house isn't too far from here." He nods and I start the car quickly and back out making sure to look both ways. After that, it's pretty much a blur. Literally. I definitely went over the speed limit. Oh well. We arrive at my house only a few minutes after leaving Pidge's house.

I take Lance into my house. No, not the shack. That thing is no longer in my possession. I moved out after all of the Blade of Marmora charity missions. I got myself a pretty decent house actually. But, enough about that. I have a boyfriend in need of attention. But, hey! You perverts aren't getting any info on what happens next! That's disgusting!
(Lance's POV)




Also like KLANCE fo life cause ya know, I've been on that ship way before I even watched Season 1 episode 1. Yep. xD

Also like..Keith ya broke the 4th wall my guyyyyyy! But it's okay. Because I wrote it.. :)

-This is Author-Trash signing out!-
Words: 1435

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