Chapter 1

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Everyone at the palace was standing with their hearts in their throats, waiting for the sound of the horn. The horn which is the symbol, the symbol of the war beginning.

Just then an arrow lands just next to the highest point of the palace, where the flag of the Chand Kingdom was placed. There was a little piece of paper attached to the end of the arrow.

Everyone knew what that piece of paper meant. That paper contained the list of demands which if met were going  to stop this war. Thousands of lives would be saved only if these demands could be met but everyone knew that the cost might be too much.

King Zaid opened the list with his own hands, eager to see if these were demands that could be fulfilled. The man was a realist and didn't want the blood of thousands of his men on his hands. He didn't want the cries of women and children to be haunting him till the day he dies.

The first demand was as expected, the kingdom of Chandgarh would have to surrender it's independence and become a domion of the Surya Kingdom. They were assured internal matters of the kingdom will stay in the hands of the present ruler, King Zaid. But, the Kingdom will send its forces and sources to Surya Kingdom if and when needed.

The Kingdom will pay a meager 3% tax in exchange of which the Surya Dynasty promises full protection and help if need be.

These two demands were fairly reasonable infact too generous of the ruthless King who had conquered lands which were thought to be impossible. He could easily storm the palace as of now and take whatever he desired and leave the realm, King Zaid took years to build, to be a pile of ash.

The third demand is what shook Zaid to his core because that demand created a turmoil within him. A battle was started within him. A battle between a father and a King. He was to handover both of his daughters to the Kingdom to be married to the King and to his younger Brother.

Everyone knows how fathers are exceptionally attached to their daughters. Even a king bows in front of his daughters. He loved them more than anything else in the world but the question in front of him right now was a very difficult one. Would he be willing to send thousands of men to their death or would he rather sacrifice his precious daughters?

He decided to let his daughters decide the fate of their kingdom. With a heavy heart he walked towards the room of his eldest daughter Hayat. At this point of the time, the old and brave Zaid himself didnt even know what it was that he was hoping his daughters to say.

He enters the room to find Hayat praying. He stands in the room looking at his daughter, his chest filled with pride but heart filled with agony.

Hayat looked at her father with worry, she quickly gets up and goes to talk to him.



I looked up at Abu and in his eyes I looked at a man who felt defeated. I never thought that I would see my father like this. I frantically got up and rushed towards him.
"Abu, are we going to war?" I asked.

"That depends on you and Rukh meri bachi", he said.

I have never been as confused before. So instantly without thinking said, " Abu, if I can stop a war from happening, a war that we might not win, I would do anything. What is it that i need to do?"

Abu had tears in his eyes now  but he gathered courage and said, "meri bachi I never thought that a day would come where I would become so helpless that I would have to even think about doing this to you but I am left with no choice. The Surya Kingdom has sent a demand list which, if fulfilled will put an end to the war. The first two conditions are very reasonable and I would have excepted them without giving it much thought but the third condition is what puts me in a spot. He asked for the most precious things from me. He asked me to give away my daughters to him."

My mind had stopped processing what was happening for a minute. As soon as I understood what he meant I knew what I had to do. I knew Allah would never forgive me because I would be the reason men will die, women will become widows and this would all be for nothing. Just because of my selfishness.

I looked at him with soft eyes mustering all the courage I had and said, "Abu, I will go but please make them leave Rukhsat here. Why do they need her also to be there?"

Abu looked helplessly at me and said, "Hayat, there is no way to negotiate anymore. If their demands are not met by sundown, the first ray of the sun tomorrow, the war will begin. There is no pressure on you. If you decide that you don't want to do this, every soldier out there has sworn to protect their shehzadi and will do so until they die. The choice is all yours and your sister's".

I knew what I had to do.

"Abu, I will go and get Rukhsat and then we will both depart for their tent with your signed and sealed treaty for them to accept", I said with courage I knew you will crumble soon.

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