In The Rain (BeyMaNika)

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Here's something old to hold y'all over! :)

Normani's POV

"Where am I going to go now?" I asked myself quietly through my sobs. I was walking in the rain away from my house. I was shivering and my teeth chattered I was so cold. My body was sore and it was hard to walk. I could feel my cheek swelling. I would have grabbed a jacket, packed a bag, saved up, and had a place set up for me to stay had I known all of this would have happened, but nothing went as planned. I was supposed to tell them and they were supposed to accept me and everything was supposed to be good after that. Well at least that's how I imagined it. I didn't even consider the worst because I wanted to think positive. That's what my parents always told me.

"Think positively Normani. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having successful results." I could hear my mothers voice. I wanted to smile at the small memory, but it hurt to move my face. The pain from my cheek made me think of my mothers face after I told her, a face I'd never seen. It was full of disappointment, disgust, and regret. More tears poured from my eyes remembering what happened a few minutes ago. I knew I shouldn't have told them. Maybe if I hadn't my family would still love me. But I couldn't hold it in anymore, I thought that maybe it was the perfect time to tell the whole family. And even if they didn't agree with who I am, I thought they at least loved me enough to look past it and accept me, but I guess....I guess I was wrong.

Thunder rumbled and scared me. I hate thunder. I know you're not supposed to be outside when it's thunder and lightning, but I wouldn't mind being struck right now. I should have wore something else today instead of this outfit that exposes a lot of skin, now I'm cold.

I was so deep in my thoughts hadn't even noticed the car coming down the street until it's bright head lights blinded me. Normally, I'd be scared because it's night, a car is behind me, and I overthink a lot, but I could care less at the moment. My body is throbbing so even if I had to run I couldn't. I could barely walk as it is. I felt the car slow down. Not wanting to be bothered I kept walking. The car matched my pace next to me. Knowing they wouldn't leave me alone I stopped and turned towards the car. My curly wet hair falling in my face.

Onika's POV

I was on my way home from a long day of work. I finally got out of the building, I had extra work to do today. I was so tired. I was riding down a dark street when I saw a figure walking.

"What is this person doing walking in this type of weather at this time of night" I spoke to myself. The closer I got the easier I could see. It was a girl. She was walking funny, her hands covering her arms. No jacket. No umbrella. Nothing. Just walking in the rain getting drenched. I wonder if she needed help or a ride.

I slowed down next to her and she kept walking. Okay maybe she hasn't noticed me. I kept up with her as she walked and she finally turned to me. I turned the car light on and rolled the window down.

"Hey, you okay? You need some help?" I asked. I couldn't see her face because her hair was in the way. She shook her head a little bit.

"You sure? It's raining pretty hard out here. Maybe I can give you a ride" I told her. She moved her hair out of her face and looked at me. My eyes widened. I was in total awe. She was gorgeous from what I could see. Pretty young too. Her wet hair dripping water down her body. The little outfit she had on sticking to her chocolate skin. I most definitely wasn't leaving her out here.

ONESHOTS (Beyoncé, NickiMinaj, Normani, Megan Thee Stallion)Where stories live. Discover now