Hospital Room

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I could hear the faint sound of beeping and voices, but they sounded distant and blurred. As if I underwater or the people talking were in a different room than me.

A few voices became clear, but they weren't the voices outside, the voice was my wolf, Sierra. I could hear her get louder in my thoughts as she spoke.

"We found our mate!" She exclaimed. I knew she'd been waiting for the past year and a half to find him, but now that we had, I didn't know how to feel.

"Yeah." I sighed, my head beginning to pound as more noises became clear. The beeping got louder and I could make out a few words the voices were saying.

"Is... okay?" A deep voice said. I'd heard it before, and Sierra howled at the sound. It was our mate, and he sounded worried. I focused on the words as another voice began speaking.

"We... know... coma... uncertain." The voice sounded professional, but also fearful. It was probably a doctor or nurse. A growl rumbled my brain. Shaking my thoughts and howling at the sound of our mate.

"She... wake... soon... else!" Our mate hissed. I'd decided we were probably in the pack hospital of our mate's pack, considering he is an alpha. Faint footsteps grew closer as the sound of a door echoed around my skull. Our mate was closer to us now, and I could hear his sweet voice clearly.

"They don't know when you'll wake up." He sighed, "For Goddess sake! I don't even know you're name! I need you to wake up. I can't live without you."

His voice broke more with each word and I guessed by now he was crying, or on the brink of tears.

"He sounds so broken!" Sierra cried. "We need to wake up!! I wanna hug mate!"

I internally groaned at Sierra's thoughts, but agreed that we had to wake up. My mind was slowly clearing every second and I tried to feel my fingers, or open my eyes. I felt the tips of my fingers twitch and my body stir slightly, recognizing my command.

"Please wake up!" Our mate pleaded, probably noticing us trying to wake up. I tried to open my eyes again, trying as hard as I could to see. My eyes twitched and opened slightly, before I was blinded by an unspeakably bright white light. I groaned, closing my eyes again quickly afterward.

"L...light." I groaned, trying to lift my hand to cover my eyes, which was unsuccessful. Our mate gasped in understanding before getting up for a moment and then returning to our side.

When I tried to open my eyes again, the room was darker and it was easier to take in my surroundings. I was in a hospital room with quietly beeping machines around me.

"How do you feel?" Our mate's voice asked from the door as the light slowly got brighter, letting my eyes adjust slowly. I tried to sit up, but failed miserably.

"Numb." I answered honestly, my throat dry and my voice hoarse. My mate returned to my side quickly with a cup of water from one of the bedside tables. He brought it to my lips gently as I slowly let the water flow down my dry throat.

"Better?" He asked as he put the cup back on the table. I nodded in response as I shut my eyes with content.

"What's your name?" I rasped, my throat not used to speaking.

"Jay Pierce." He replied with a handsome smile, making an explosion of butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"What about you?" Jay inquired with a smirk. My heart throbbed at the appearance of small dimples on his cheeks.

"Silver Ember." I smiled in reply, holding out my hand for Jay to shake. He shook it happily with a chuckle.

"Where am I?" I continued awkwardly, still unsure of what pack Jay was alpha of. His face dropped slightly as if to mentally face palm which made me let out a small giggle.

"Where are my manners?" He muttered to himself before answering. "I'm alpha of the Sunset Blood pack."

I'd heard that name before, but I refused to remember it. That name carried years of suffering and disappointment in my heart that had infected my life since my 17th birthday. I could sense that Jay knew something was wrong.

"You must be hungry. I'll be back in a minute." Jay sighed as he excused himself from my hospital room. My mind swirled with questions. Were my parents still here? Does Jay know? How come I didn't know he was my mate sooner? I guess since I was disowned at 17, I wouldn't have known because werewolves usually get their mates at 18. I don't remember Jay being here before I was disowned. Would my parents accept me now that I would be their Luna?

I was so engrossed in my own thoughts, I didn't hear Jay enter the room again until he placed a tray of food on the bedside table and sat back down next to the bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, bringing me out from the pit of depression I had almost drowned in.

"Just..." I paused, debating what to say, "Overload of memories, I guess."
Jay nodded in response, and I was grateful he didn't press for more information.

"Can you move?" He questioned, thankfully changing the subject. I now had more feeling of my limbs and gingerly lifted my body into a sitting position. It was slightly painful but doable.

I quickly noticed the bandages wrapped around my torso and neck, and I could feel more bandages on the leg the rogue bit.

"Who were they?" I asked, remembering the attack. "The guys that attacked me?"

Jay stiffened at the mention of them, I could tell he was enraged at the fact that they were able to hurt me this badly.

"The rogue king and his most loyal goons. They always prey on the defenseless to hurt those in power. You were an easy target that night and I was in the area, so he decided to strike. Perfect circumstances for a rogue king like him." Jay explained.

"I wasn't defenseless." I muttered under my breath, although he heard me anyway and chuckled at my words.

"Yes you were, my dear." Jay smirked as I crossed my arms in annoyance.

"I had my wolf." I defended with a sigh.

"Speaking of, is she okay?" Jay questioned, changing the subject again.

"Her name is Sierra, and yeah. Probably a bit shaken up, but nothing too bad." I replied, relaxing a bit.

"Lightning has been keeping me up worrying about you and Sierra." Jay admitted. "You should probably get some more rest and I'll inform the pack doctor of how you're doing." Jay then got up and waved a small goodbye as he left my room, dimming the lights on his way out. My mind kept racing, but I laid down and shut my eyes, trying to drift off into a dreamless sleep. Although, I knew I couldn't be that lucky.

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