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It had now been a couple days since Jay saved me from the incident and my wounds had healed over enough so I could go home. Jay had arrived early this morning to take me home. As we walked through the town from the pack hospital to the pack house, I felt nostalgic and anxious. We passed houses that made me remember my childhood, despite my greatest efforts to forget it.

Jay insisted on holding my hand the whole way, which sent sparks racing through my hand and up my arm. I didn't really mind, until we passed the one house that made me stop dead in my tracks. My entire body tensed with fear and anxiety.

"What's wrong?" Jay questioned, his hold on my hand tightening slightly.

"W-Who lives there?" I replied, pointing to the house while my eyes hadn't left its walls. I was petrified. I dreaded the possible answer. Part of me wished they had died somehow after they disowned me, while the other part of me wished they were fine. That same part of me hoped they would regret their decision to disown me and welcome me back with open arms. Jay brought me out of my daze with the worst possible answer.

"Oh, a really nice old couple. They've lived here for as long as I can remember." Jay answered, looking off as if reminiscing in the memories of them. "They're really nice, do you want to meet them?"

That was one of the one things I never wanted him to ask. I didn't want to see them ever again. Then again, it could be a different old couple, but it was just last year that they disowned me, they couldn't have left so quickly if Jay had known them for as long as he can remember. My entire world had come crashing down on top of me in just a few days.

Before I knew it, Jay was practically dragging me toward the house. My throat went dry, and I couldn't speak against him. My anxiety went through the roof as we stepped onto the porch. My throat felt like a desert as tears began to brim my eyes. They were threatening to fall, but didn't. I couldn't tell if the tears were coming from the pang of guilt in my chest from what I did, or the slight joy and anticipation I felt from seeing them again.

Jay raised his fist and knocked on the door, turning to me and giving me a comforting smile. We waited there quietly before I heard footsteps nearing the door. They were my father's. I could tell and I wanted time to stop. I wanted to drown in all the anxiety that was filling my body. I was practically shaking from it all.

As the door creaked open, my heart leapt into my throat, then dropped to the pit of my stomach as his intense dark brown gaze landed on me. They shifted from happy at the sight of Jay, to disappointed and surprised at the sight of me next to him. His eyes then shifted to our hands and they widened with surprise.

"Good morning, Mr. Amber." Jay smiled, releasing my hand and embracing my dad. The thing about Jay and I's relationship at this point, is that he doesn't know anything about my past. He doesn't even know that I changed my name. It wasn't the most creative change, but it was enough to not be associated with my parents.

"I'd like you to meet my mate, Silver." Jay smiled, gesturing to me after the hug. My dad nodded and opened the door wider, gesturing for us to enter. Jay went in first as I hesitated behind for a moment. Once I was inside, my dad grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside.

"Where the hell have you been?" He hissed, his grip on my wrist tightening painfully.

"What do you care?" I retorted, my face scrunching in pain and anger. This is what I feared when I saw this stupid house. This is what I didn't want to happen.

"You're my daughter, and yet you leave your mother and I with a memory of disappointment while you run off with some rogue. Where is your boy toy now, huh? Did he leave you? You plagued our household and now you have snuffed your way into our alpha's life. I don't know how, but he will leave you because of the failure that you are." As my father hissed at me, I could feel the tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"Don't you remember, how you disowned me!?" I cried. I didn't want to be here anymore. I wanted to run away again. I wanted them to disown me again. No matter what the logical part of me wanted to happen, my heart still wanted to see my mother. Despite the way my father had just talked to me, I missed my mother. I wanted to see if she held any remorse. Did she miss me, or was she in the same boat as my dad? Disappointed and angry? I hoped my mother felt differently, and I hoped Jay and I would leave as soon as possible. I was going to see my mother, and then leave.

I didn't want to be in the same house as these people who thought so little of me. These were the times when I was glad I changed my name. I was glad I left with that rogue, and honestly, I wanted him back. I wanted that stupid forbidden cookie, instead of suffering through this insufferable torture. I wished now more than ever that my cookie was on his way to take me away.

A/N: Here's a bit of a longer chapter for you guys, I'm working on the next one so I'll hopefully post that today or tomorrow. I'll try and make it longer as well. Love y'all. <3

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