R Chapter 1: Friends

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~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~

Y/N: "Alright.. New day, new me." I'd mumble to myself as I began getting out of bed, yawning while stretching out my cat ears and tail. I have (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair, and my ears and tail are (F/C). Life as a Neko race is actually pretty normal.

Mom: "(Y/N)! I got breakfast ready!"

Y/N: "Alright, I'll be down in a few!" I'd shout from upstairs, since I can already smell my favorite breakfast coming up and waiting for me, I begin to rush so that it won't get cold by the time I'm down. I brush my teeth, change my clothes, put on a beanie to conceal my ears, tuck my tail into my shirt, and proceed down the stairs to have (F/F).

Mom: "Well that was quite fast for you (Y/N), not that I'm complaining of course."

Y/N: "Well I could practically feel my mouth watering from that scent!"

Mom: "Alright well enjoy your breakfast sweetie." Mom said as she placed a plate in front of me on the table as my mouth proceeds to water.

As I proceed to wolf down my food and take a couple sips of (F/D), I start scrolling through reddit to get some laughs out before I go off to college. I finish fairly fast, surprisingly without choking on my (F/F). I finish my food and head out the door, putting my backpack in the process, then I go to mount my bike, and begin pedaling off to a friend's house so I wont be alone on the journey.

I eventually arrive at the door, about to knock until the man himself opens it for me.

???: "Heyyy (Y/N)! How are ya?"

Y/N: "Hartmen, my good warrior, does thy wish to accompany me to a trip to the college?" I'd say with a weird accent

Hartmen: "Ah, the college. The journey is dangerous, I shall come with you, for one's protection" Hartmen would respond in the same weird accent. While putting on his backpack

Y/N: "Haha, Alright Hartmen, lets get to college. Get on your bike and we'll ride together to school, don't want to be late now do we?"

Hartmen: "Alrighty, well it's the first day so lets try not to embarrass ourselves in class" He says as he mounts his bike and begins pedaling, as I follow him, catching up to his side

Y/N: "Ah, we both know that we will. And you better do that thing you said you would do over the phone"

Hartmen: "You just had to remember that. . . Didn't you?"

Y/N: "Well I would like to see it and you DID mention it yourself so it's really your fault for starting the idea."

As we keep talking while riding our bikes, we make another pit stop to another house of another friend to accompany us.

Y/N: "Lets go check if she wants to join us on our ride" I'd say as I proceed to knock.

???: "Coming!" We hear her say as she opens the door

Hartmen: "Greetings strong warrior, do you wish to accompany us on our journey to thy college madame Maya?"

Maya: "Why I would be honored" she'd say with a little bow as she grabs her bag and gets on her bike

Maya: "So, what do you think college is gonna be like?"

Y/N: "Like a college, obviously. Okay but in all seriousness I don't know."

Hartmen: "Well, lets experience it for ourselves then yeah?"

Maya: "Yeah!"

Y/N: "Yeah!"

Y/N's mind: Oh we are so childish and I don't care and I wish we could stay like this without people judging us. . .

~~~Time Skip to Class~~~

Prof: "Late late late. Alright well, you must be new, please, introduce yourselves."

Y/N: "Y-yes s-sir" I'd say panting "Alright, I guess I'll start us off, I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)."

Maya: "I'm Maya Tesser"

Hartmen: "I'm Hartmen. If you ever forget my name just remember it sounds like Cartmen from South Park. Last name's Landau. Nice to meet you all"

Prof: "Alright, go find your seats"

~~~One Boring Lecture Later~~~

Hartmen: "Alright, where should we eat at the food court? Hey look they got (Favorite Fast-food Place)!"

Y/N: "All in favor of going there, raise your hand"

*The group raises their hands"

Y/N: "Guess that settles it then." I'd say, walking over to the fast food place

Y/N: "I'll have (F/D) and a (Favorite meal from said fast-food place).

Employ: "Coming right up sir" They would say as you find a table and wait for them to call your name.

As you sit down at a table, claiming it your 'property', your friend group sits down with you, Maya to your left, Hartmen to your right.

Maya: "Uhhhh, (Y-Y/N).. C-can I pet you again..?" She said shyly

Y/N: "Well only because you asked for permission this time, I'll give your permission for petting me I guess" Deep down I actually really really, REALLY enjoyed people petting me, it just feels extremely good.

As I take off my beanie, making sure no one sees my ears, Maya begins petting me softly, knowing fully well that my ears and tail are highly sensitive. As she scratches my head I begin to lean into it, purring in the process. My tail somehow making its way out from tucked under my shirt, begins to waves around playfully

Maya: "Awww, you look and sound so cute when you do this you know that?"

I blush at the statement and avoid eye contact for a while. Just me being me, a shy little Neko.

Remastered A/N: Thank you for reading through chapter 1. I don't know what the hell past me thought but adding youtube names into this was a bad idea. I changed them. Thank me later.

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[Fixing Chapter 5 and up] One in a Billion (Male Neko Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon