L Chapter 7: "Wait, Where is (Y/N)?"

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(A/N: Here's to hoping you didn't forget about me. Currently I'm writing for another author. If you want to see the book I'm helping him with, heh, I ain't telling. Until the next chapter I release with him, your gonna have to wait, or find the book. Until then, enjoy this chapter. Oh, and here's a song I've been listening to when writing this)


He'd take a deep breath

"Don't worry, I'm coming back soon. I promise."

*+ . A Few Days Before (Y/N)'s Arrival at the Facility .+*

Michael's POV:

"Please, if I can deal with Lily's murder bots I can deal with-" Lily then proceeds to interrupt me by headbutting me "-this." I carry her off to bed.

"Come on bud, time for bed" I say as I set her down on her bed 

"Noooo. . . I don wanna go to sleeep. . ." She'd complain. Still, I continued to press on about her going to sleep. Eventually she gave in. Granted, she did pass out, but she technically gave in so it's a win for me. Afterwards I go and take a shower, gathering my clothes and turning the water on until it's essentially a sauna in the bathroom. 

*Loud knocking*

"Who the frick could that be at this hour?" I'd ask myself. I shrug it off, thinking that (Y/N) will get the door, he did go off to get some snacks after all. I'll just have to ask him later.

*One nice hot shower later*

Putting on my clothes I leave the bathroom to the kitchen, where (Y/N) would supposedly be. 

"Aaaand he's not here. . ."  I whisper to myself, "Alright, probably in his room sleeping then. I'll just ask him tomorrow." And with that, I head to my room and fall asleep

*Knock knock*

"Lily, you okay?" I'd ask Lily, who is most likely having a splitting headache

"My head hurts. . ." She'd reply lazily. It's only expected. 

"I'll get you some water, I'll be right back."

"Thanks Michael. . ."

Before getting her water I make a left towards (Y/N)'s room, knocking before entering.




No response. I knock again, this time louder  .




STILL no response, this time, I decide to just enter his room.

I swing the door open only to find him not in his bed. What's more is that he didn't make his bed like usual. Like any normal person whose roommate suddenly disappeared I begin to slightly panic. I proceed to the kitchen to check if he's just laying down somewhere for no reason, and, still no (Y/N). While I was in the kitchen I also got Lily's water. I then head back to her room.

"Here you go" I say, placing the cup of water down on Lily's nightstand.

"Thank you. . ." She says as she takes a drink from it

"Say, did you see (Y/N)?" I'd ask

"I was drunk, of course I didn't" She'd reply. Although she is correct, it's a pretty dumb question to ask a drunk person.

"Oh boy. . . We have a problem then." 

"What is it Michael?"

"(Y/N) is missing."

*+. Time Skip .+*

3rd Person

"Do any of you have an idea on where he might be?" Damien asks

"We don't know, last I saw him was at the kitchen at our dorm" Michael states

"We need to find him, who knows what could happen to him?" Jaiden asks worriedly

"We'll find him... Probably..." Lily said, whispering the last part. 

While they all hated to admit it they most likely weren't going to find him. The Earth is a big planet, he could be literally anywhere. Chances are even lower with a secret government facility, which is where (Y/N) is being held.  But hey, they're trying to keep spirits high.

"Wait... Do you know where his phone is?" Damien asks, seemingly on to something.

"No, why?" Lily replied

"Can't we just use a phone tracker?" He asks, hoping that this could possibly work.

Lily then buried her face into her hands.

"Why didn't I think of this sooner!" She'd shout as she begins to turn on the computer then going to a phone tracking website. Inputting (Y/N)'s phone number, the website then began loading...




"Phone Found!" the computer displayed as it showed a red dot on a map, presumably where they were.

"Alright, I found it... But it's going to be a day long drive without traffic." Lily said to the group

"Alright, pack food and water, maybe a pair of clothes just in case. We're finding him." Damien says

*+. Time Skip .+*

Eventually the group found themselves at the end of a road, apparently the place where his phone is is in the wilderness, but that wouldn't stop them. They got food for a day or two, it should be easy, right?

"The road ends here, it looks like we're going off road" Michael says to the group.

"Well, lets hope this truck can go off road." Damien said

"Alright then, be ready for a bump ride presumably" Michael says as he puts his foot on the gas, setting out into the Californian desert. 




Soon it became night, and they were only a few minutes supposedly from his phone, which would be nice. Until they actually came to it. It's just there, sitting in the dirt. 

"Guys!" Lily shouts, who is, by the way, the new driver for the time

"What, what is it?" Michael says

"His phone, it's just here!" Lily says, pointing to the phone in the ground.

"That's a problem..." Jaiden said, stepping out of the truck, stretching a bit

"Well there are some shrubs over there that are crushed, if I were to guess they took him that way" Damien stated, pointing at the crushed bushes illuminated by the moon

"Well in that case, we drive through there. Someone take the wheel, I'm tired." Lily said

"I'll drive next" Damien volunteered as he steps into the river seat.

"We're coming (Y/N). Just hold on."


(A/N: Hey guys, I'm back! How are you all doing? I just wanted to say thank you all for the 1.1k reads on this book! I started on Wattpad because I wanted books to read, eventually that came to writing, which came back around. Never in a billion [Get it?] years would I expect this to get 1.1k reads. Thank you all for surprising me on this writing platform, and thank you for getting me to 32 followers! As always, have a good night/day reader. Stay safe out there.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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