R Chapter 2: Dorm Room

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~~~Y/N's POV~~~

As Maya continues to pet me, I lean into it, not caring about how I look, I just like the feeling of head-scratching. It's a sensation that I just can't explain. As I purr quietly, so as no one else but me, Maya, and Hartmen can hear, I slowly come to realize that time has certainly passed, it was around 4:38 when the session began, and it is now 4:51, and I also realize that literally no one is here beside us and the workers that work at the food stands.

Y/N: "Oh boy, look at the time! W-We gotta get to our dorms now, it's definitely past lunch, almost all the students here are gone. . ."

Maya: "Alright.." She'd say with a tiny pinch of sadness in her voice, which I didn't pick up at all "Well we should get to studying then, hope you two have good dorm mates!"

Hartmen: "Okay then, well I guess I'll see you both tomorrow, have a goodnight you guys"

Maya: "Night guys"

Y/N: "Goodnight to the both of you" (To himself) "I hope my dorm mates can pet me to some extent. . ."

Maya: "What was that (Y/N)?"

Y/N: "U-uhh.. N-nothing!!" I'd stammer out

Maya: "Whatever you say (Y/N)"

~~~Time Skip to the Dorm Room~~~

Y/N: "Dorm room... Number 420 (Don't judge me), 410, 415, and 420!" I'd exclaim as I unlock my dorm room, revealing the two people that I will be living with for 4 years. "Uhh H-hi guys.." I stammer out, trying not to make a 'negative' impression.

???: "Oh, you must be our third and final dorm mate!" The girl with black hair said

???: "Alright cooooooool" he'd say blandly "Okay but in all seriousness, nice to see you...?" he waved his hand signaling me to give my name

Y/N: "O-Oh uh, I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." 

???: "Well, nice to meet you (Y/N). I'm Michael, and this is Lily." as he gestures to the girl in a pink sweater that looked pretty darn comfy. 

Lily: "Well, hi (Y/N), and nice to meet the person that we'll spend 4 years together with besides this psycho" she says gesturing towards Michael jokingly

Y/N: "Well I take it that you two have been friends for a long time?"

Lily+Michael: "Yep"

Y/N: "Well I hope we get along just fine"

Lily: "I'm sure we will'

Michael: "Same here."

~Time skip to the end of the day~

As I begin heading back to my dorm with Michael and Lily, I take a quick stop by a vending machine to get a (Favorite Soda).

Y/N: "You two can go ahead, Imma get a drink. Anything you guys want?"

Lily: "If you can, just some sprite, and thanks!"

Michael: "I'll take an orange Fanta please and thank you (Y/N)!"

I nod in agreement as they head off and I get our drinks.

Y/N: "This probably isn't the healthiest thing to drink to quench my thirst but whatever..." I'd mumble to myself as I go ahead and unlock the door to the dorm, handing Lily and Michael their drinks and twisting the cap off of mine

Y/N: "So, what do you two do for a hobby?"

Michael: "Well I play piano and do pretty good at it, and I actually enjoy it quite a bunch. Actually I can play any song by listening to it!"

Y/N: "That's pretty hecking cool if you ask me, alright well uh Lily, what do you do?"

Lily: "Well I make robots for the people in my comments. Most of them are kinda stupid but recently one has caught my attention and I am currently working on it, just because I thought it would be funny"

Y/N: "That's also pretty hecking cool. So, what's the robot idea, if you don't mind me asking?"

Lily: "It's... It's a microwave that turns on by you screaming at it. The longer you yell, the more it cooks the food inside." she'd say, gesturing to the microwave on her desk

Y/N: "So that explains that. This is going to be a very interesting year. Very, VERY interesting. . ."


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