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Jaehyun felt like puking, standing behind stage literally shaking and no it's not from being cold in her thin shirt, she's not one to have stage fright but right now she wanted nothing than for the group to open up and swallow her whole, fuck she thought.

One of the choreographers has come up to her placing his hands on her shoulders, Jaehyun looked at him eyes wide.

"You're going to do great, you're a fast learner" Lay smiled patting her shoulders nodding his head trying to reassure him, Jaehyun shook her head feeling like she wanted to hurl.

Lay was the one who tried to help her from having a panic attack when she was told she'll be dangling from the ceiling, partaking in the aerial side of this act because she had gymnast experience.

"No I'm not, I'm going to pass out" Jaehyun said almost convincing herself that, that was exactly what she was going to do.

"He's right Jae, just so as we practiced DONT worry" another choreographer who went by the name Kai also tried and reassure her.


Jaehyun could feel her hands shaking as she served a table, there was 10 minutes until the would start performance, she constantly went over the routine in her head over and over, she was one of the few girls to be picked, there were three other girls who were running around on the top floor with her tending to tables.

The objective was to be able to run behind the bar in 5 minutes and head to the catwalk in the ceiling and then be lowered from the ceilings, before a little aerial silk number and the be hoisted up by the tome the song ended and Jaehyuns hear was beating faster every time she thought about being so high up.

"Wow Lieutenant, Nice Abs" Jaemins voice was flirty but also sarcastic enough for Jaehyun to laugh it off her eyes finding the booth they were sitting at, Jaemin smiled and raise an eyebrow.

Jaehyun wasn't in her normal police uniform and her nervous thinking was the reason why she forgot about her new attire, She wore a maroon silk top, the cropped top had thin straps and the material was smooth against her skin it rested a hand space avocet her belly button showing off her tones abdomen, She wore a pair of black pants, they were ripped at the knees and were made of a legging material but also had a texture that made them look just like jeans

The heels she wore were black and laced up around her ankles, each employee wore a combination of those two colours or one, Jaehyun looked around seeing Suho who was dressed in a red suit, the shirt was buttoned together but you could tell he wasn't wearing a shirt under, he looked at Jaehyun giving her a thumbs up.

Jaehyun gulped feeling her stomach drop hearing the 5 minute mark song bidding her table goodbye she dashed to the back following the girls up the stairs and towards a door, the male bartenders taking over for them, Jaehyun followed the girls out to the catwalk where four aerial sulks were being held in place by four different people.

Two being the choreographers, a the bouncers named Chanyeol and Sehun, Jaehyun was paired with Sehun and she was very visibly shaking, Everyone whispered to themselves, Jaehyun froze seeing the floor and couldn't focus they were in the middle of the room and she could see everyone beneath her, out of the corner of her eyes she could see the other girls taking their heels off and she cursed to herself doing the same quickly and shaking her hands out chanting the same three words in her head like a prayer.

For the mission.

Those three words before always helped her when she was in a sticky situation but this it was different, normally she'd be heading head on into open fire or into a fire but here she was seconds away from being dangle from the air while she was supposed to look graceful, Jaehyun heard the ending of the song and her breath hitched seeing the lights dim even more.

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