Keith's Capture

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Team Voltron was on a mission to take down a Galra cruiser tormenting a planet. The paladins infiltrated the cruiser, leaving their lions outside, and proceeded to split up. They needed to stop the captain to stop the planet's suffering. "Lance, Keith, you go and search for Galra prisoners. Pidge, Hunk, and I will search for the main Galra." Shiro ordered. Everyone agreed and the group split off.

Lance and Keith ran off to find where they were keeping the prisoners, taking down Galra as they ran. Eventually, they got to a door. Keith used an unconscious Galra's hand to unlock the door. Unfortunately, the pair was met with an army of angry Galra.

"Did they know we were going to be here?" Lance asked, feeling a bit intimidated.

"Either way, this is bad..." Keith said. A dreadfully familiar short woman stepped out from the sea of Galra, wearing that signature hooded cloak and slumped posture. "Haggar?"

"Shiro! We're gonna need backup!" Lance yelled into the communication device attached to his helmet.

"Why? What's going--" Before Shiro could finish, 4 Galra rushed the both of them. Keith had to think fast. He quickly pushed Lance out of the way. He had no time to dodge them. Four large Galra tackling him at the same time was nearly impossible to avoid. He was punched across the face and when he hit the wall, his helmet fell off.

"Keith!" Lance exclaimed.

"LANCE GO! I'LL BE FINE!" Keith yelled. Some of the Galra started to charge Lance, and although he hesitated, Lance knew that staying wouldn't help Keith.

"WE'L BE BACK FOR YOU!" Lance yelled back as he ran from the Galra chasing him.

"Lance! Where are you? I can't get through to Keith!" Shiro yelled.

"It was a trap! Haggar's here! An army of buff Galra are chasing me! We were outnumbered! They captured Keith." Lance said.

"What? We're heading to your location, hold them off! How many do think there are?" Shiro exclaimed.

"I don't know, but it feels like hundreds!" Lance yelled.

"We might need to consider retreating." Pidge said.

"what?! I'm not leaving Keith!" Lance replied.

"I don't like it either, but they knew we were going to be here. This ship was a trap set for Voltron, chances are we have no chance." Pidge said.

"As much as I hate it, a Pidge is right. We can't help Keith if we're joining him. We'll reconvene at the lions." Shiro ordered. As much as Lance hated it, as much as Lance wanted to go back for Keith, he knew Keith would bitch slap him if he got himself caught on purpose.

"Guys, head to your lions. I have Galra tailing me so unless you feel like fighting a fleet, leave the ship. I'll be behind you." Lance said.

"You better." Shiro said.

Everyone put down their helmets and summoned their lions to pick them up from where they were dropped off. Lance was starting to get tired of running for his life, and not to mention the fact he was mentally exhausted. He couldn't stop thinking about Keith and if he was okay. And why did Keith push him out of the way? Was it just so Lance could warn the team or because Keith didn't want Lance to get hurt? Either way, Keith saved him. Lance had to get him back no matter what. To even the playing field.

Lance saw the drop off. He trusted Blue, and the hatch opened as he hopped out into space, losing the Galra, and he was eaten by his lion.

"Is everyone accounted for? Lance?" Shiro asked.

Lance took a deep breath. His heart hung heavy. "No. Keith is still in there. Pidge can you track his armor?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, he's on the move. Away from the ship. He's still in range, though. Should we chase after it?" Pidge asked.

"I mean, we kinda have to. Keith is our friend, we have to save him." Hunk said.

"If you guys aren't going, I'd go in alone." Lance said.

"Well, we can't have that. Everyone, let's go after that Galra jet and save Keith." Shiro said.

And so, all lions immediately followed Keith's tracker. The red lion was left behind, which could have meant a few things. Keith was either unconscious or he wasn't in enough danger that the red lion had to come. It still deeply unsettled everyone on team Voltron. All of them wanted to find Keith. Not just because they couldn't form Voltron without him, but because Keith was a precious friend to all of them.

The lions managed to get the jet in its sights. "Let's be careful, Keith is in that ship. No one fires. Everyone, try to maneuver the Galra ship into that asteroid. Pin it down. I repeat, do not shoot." Shiro ordered. Everyone did as Shiro told them. They all knew that the goal was to get Keith back. The ship was fast. The red lion could've easily caught up, but that wasn't an option. Lance headed to the ship full throttle, fueled by his angry emotions, and bumped into the ship. He caught it with its mouth and then tossed it to Pidge like it was a frisbee. She lowered it down to the large asteroid and held it there. Shiro and Lance got out of their lions to get to Keith.

Shiro used his Galra made hand to cut through the roof. Lance floated in. There was a Galra soldier at the front, but Lance ignored that. In place of what he expected, he found Keith's red paladin armor floating the back. Without Keith.

" no no no no no no NO!" Lance exclaimed. He looked around frantically for Keith, but he was no where to be seen.

"We've been set up...again!" Shiro yelled.

"He can be anywhere by now..." Pidge said.

"We still have him." Shiro said. He looked to the Galra soldier in the front. It seemed like he was already prepared to be captured, because he put up no fight at all.

And thus, began the search for the red paladin.

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