Shiro's Secret

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With a heavy and guilty heart, Shiro shot opened a path to the drop off that they came from.

"I guess the communications was cut off in that prison thing Keith was in. Hunk and that blades operative were caught by Haggar. Don't worry, everyone else is now waiting back at the Lions, but we found out a few things. Apparently, they were trying to control Keith with a serum, but he was too hard to control."

"Sounds like Keith. But I think I got him tamed." Lance joked. Keith was gripping Lance's shoulders, making sure his nails stayed away. It was like he was scared, which made Lance worry a bit. Keith was acting so vulnerable. Well, it shouldn't have been surprising. His brother and idol didn't recognize him and even shot him. It was a hard pill to swallow, especially with being the galras prisoner and test subject for a week. Keith wasn't Keith right now.

Everyone managed to get back to the drop off with Keith. Keith rode on the blue lion. He say down in the back we his thoughts. "Is everyone here? Keith?" Hunk asked.

"He's here, Hunk. But we need to get him to a pod so let's hurry." Lance said.

Lance explained the situation as he knew it. Though, Lance was still uncertain about a lot of things. He didn't tell the team about how Shiro shot him by accident. Honestly, Lance just didn't want to embarrass Shiro, even though he was still mad at him for shooting Keith just because he looked Galra.

When they got back to the castle, Lance carried Keith out of the lion piggy back style. The princess and Coran were there to greet Keith and lead them to a pod. Alurra stopped when she saw what Lance was carrying. "What? Where is Keith? Why do you have a Galra with you? Is it the blades spy?" She asked.

Keith tiredly looked up from Lance's shoulder and glared at her. "Okay, why am I the only who could tell it was Keith without any context?? Seriously, his mullet hasn't changed, people!" Lance exclaimed in frustration.

"That's...Keith?" Coran asked.

"Whoa, his hair looks so soft..." Hunk said in awe, as he brushed his hand in his hair.

"I had the same reaction. Anyway, he's hurt. Let's get him to a pod." Lance said. Everyone agreed and Lance carried Keith to a pod.

"How did this happen?" Allura asked.

"Apparently, Haggar was trying to make use of Keith's Galra lineage and make a soldier out of him. They injected him with a serum to bring out his Galra side and then a serum that would kind of...make him think he was one of them. Unfortunately for them, Keith couldn't be controlled and started fighting anyone who got close. I don't know how he did it, but Lance managed to get him to calm down," Pidge explained. "His injuries weren't too bad, but I'm more worried about the effects the serum had on his mind. Though, I did take notice of a painful looking scorch mark on his leg..."

Lance glanced at Shiro, waiting for him to tell them. Pidge already suspected, which is why she even mentioned it. Keith did seem to have other burn marks on his neck and arms, probably from when they were trying to control Keith.

"I...didn't realize it was Keith and when I saw him...I shot him. I already feel terrible..." Shiro said.

"Yeah, well the mind is a mysterious thing to study, but I do know one thing. He probably remembers you most clearly at the moment, because you've been a brother and guardian to him a large portion of his life. This can't be good for his psyche." Pidge said.

Shiro looked away in defeat. Keith wouldn't even look at him, before. Shiro had never felt like shit as much as he did at that moment. He hurt Keith physically and mentally, right after he went through hell. "So what can you do?" Shiro asked.

"Well, I'm no doctor, but it would help to ask him a couple questions when he wakes up. And maybe I can take a blood sample which could help determine what he was injected with and how long it will last." Pidge said.

"But, Keith will be okay, won't he?" Hunk asked.

"I'm sure he will eventually, but I have no idea how long he'll be incapacitated. Though, make sure you apologize to him, Shiro." Pidge said. Shiro solemnly nodded.

Lance stood in the room, looking at Keith has he healed up. Keith didn't look peaceful. It was like he was in pain or having a bad dream. It was torture to sit by and watch. After the meeting on what to do with Keith, Shiro had the same idea as Lance. He took a seat beside him.

"I...I'm sorry, Lance." Shiro said.

"Save it for mullet." Lance replied.

"You know, I was so focused on saving Keith, I didn't care who I had to take down to make sure of that. I apparently would even hurt Keith himself...I feel horrible," Shiro admitted. He looked down. "Keith is like my rebellious little brother. To you, he might've seemed like the cool and strong type, but I know everything about him. He tells me everything that he can't share with you or the others. It's a pride thing. He trusts me. Actually, not long before he was captured, he told me about a crush he's had for a while now."

Lance jerked to look at Shiro with sparkling eyes. "Seriously?! Keith is capable of feeling love???" He asked, leaning into Shiro's face. Shiro chuckled.

"Yeah. He doesn't like showing feelings like love or happiness. He thinks it shows weakness. But he usually comes to me to talk about this stuff. Keith is just a normal teenage boy who talks about love with his big bro." Shiro said.

"Really? Really? I can't imagine Keith gossiping with you. That's...awesome!! So who is it? Who does Keith love? Is it Allura? Is he going to have to fight Hunk for Shay's honor? Nyma?" Lance asked.

"You're going to have to ask him. I told him to start trusting you guys with his feelings, and he said he'd try, but now that this has happened I'm not sure he'd want to do anything I tell him." Shiro said.

"Just apologize and talk to Keith. I'm sure that he'll forgive you. You're family." He said.

"Hey, just so you know, Keith has a problem saying what he means. He's never really had...friends, so I don't think he knows how to let go and confide in them. Don't hold that against him if he seems a bit...well, what do you think is your relationship to Keith?" He asked.

"Uh...well, we're rivals. Kind of. I don't think Keith thinks I'm worthy, but I'm trying to catch up to him. Why? What does Keith say?" Lance asked.

Shiro smiled. "He may never show it or admit it, but he really admires how hard working you are. He really likes you and trusts you more than anyone on the team. Aside from me of course. It doesn't surprise me that you were able to bring Keith back. I'm not sure anyone else would be able to do it." Shiro said.

Lance turned a bright shade of crimson. He couldn't help smiling. All this time, he assumed Keith thought he was an annoying bug, but he just couldn't express his real feelings. Lance looked at Keith and thought, "you really are an idiot," before lying back against the wall in relief. There was a chance that Shiro could've been saying that to make Lance feel better, but Lance knew that it could be true. That was enough.

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