Space Dad

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Keith woke up in the pod fully healed. Even though he had been sleeping for a few days now, he still seemed exhausted. Coran was there, monitoring his condition. Everyone had taken turns watching Keith, but they had to sleep sometime. Coran helped him out.

"Alright, my boy, how are you feeling?" Coran asked, helping him walk. Keith's legs were shaky, so he was holding onto Coran's arms. Coran looked at his leg. The scorch mark went away, so his being unable to walk had to be more mental.

"" Keith said.

"The one and only. Coran Coran, the gorgeous man! That's good. I'll tell number 3." Coran said.

"Who?" Keith asked. Coran sat Keith down on a chair by the wall.

"Oh, I mean Lance. I gave you all numbers based on height. You are number 4." Coran said. He took a moment to notify everyone that Keith was awake. "But, I have to say that I am very glad you've made it back safely. All of us were worried sick about you."

"Hm...? Where was I?" Keith asked.

"O-Oh? You don't remember? Well, I suppose that's a good thing. You were captured by the Galra. We all worked tirelessly to rescue you. Don't worry, though, it seems the only thing they did was bring out your Galra lineage." Coran reassured. Keith looked at his reflection coming from the clear glass pods and his eyes widened. Keith fondled his ears, still in shock.

While he was still shocked, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro came running in through the door. Surprised, Keith looked at them. When he went to look at them, his head really started pounding. It felt like a delayed reaction, like his head was always hurting but he just started feeling it. Without a word, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk hugged him tight. Coran decided to join in. Shiro stayed back, afraid to face Keith.

"We were so worried about you, buddy!" Hunk exclaimed through happy tears.

Keith was a bit confused, but the hug really seemed reassuring. He enjoyed it. When everyone eased up, Lance looked at Keith, tears in his eyes, and held up 3 fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked. Keith looked around.

"Uh...three..." Keith said.

"Okay, he can see. That's good. Second test. When I say vol, you say...?" Lance asked.

"Vol...tron...? Keith replied.

"Yes! He's okay!" Lance exclaimed.

Pidge elbowed him. "I still have actual questions, but thank you Lance," she said. "Keith, let's start with what you're feeling."

"Um...kind of like I'm hungover, to be honest. My head is killing me, my body feels hot, I'm extremely tired, and I don't know whether to prioritize food or sleep. Oh. And I look like a purple cat." Keith explained. Even though he had been asleep for 3 days, he still seemed really out of it.

Pidge snapped her fingers. "Hunk." She said.

Hunk saluted. "On it!" He exclaimed before running off.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Pidge asked. Keith thought back.

"Um...that planet. What was it's name...? That planet with all the weird plants. We were talking with the rebels and...I can't remember. I can remember a few things after that, but it's like a dream. Like, I remember clearly seeing Lance in that Galra cell, but I can't remember even seeing a Galra soldier once since that planet." Keith explained.

"That was the planet the Galra was controlling when we infiltrated the cruiser and Keith got captured...we never actually accomplished that mission....well, in any case, you're acting like Keith, so looks like it wasn't as bad as we thought. While Hunk gets food ready, it'd be best for you to get rest. Shiro, do you want to help Keith back to his room?" Pidge insinuatingly suggested.

Galra Lineage (Voltron Klance Fan Fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя