Just Like A Cat

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"Goooooood Morning Everyone~~" Lance said, waltzing into the dining room.

"Lance, we haven't seen you or Keith since last night. Were you together?" He asked.

Lance tried to hide his blushing face, but not very hard. "Well, we talked for a couple hours last night. I guess a side effect of the series is drowsiness 'cause he dozed off. I'll wake him in a few." Lance said.

"Did you stay with him?" Asked Hunk, who was blissfully ignorant to the power of his words.

"Yeah, Lance. Did you?" Pidge and Shiro said at the same time, suspiciously.

"Uh...yeah. He, uh, had a nightmare so I just stayed over in case it happened again." Lance said.

"Same bed?" Shiro asked.

Lance looked at him for a second. A thought immediately crossed his mind. It's a trap. Yes, Shiro did tell Lance about Keith's feelings, but he never said how he felt about it. Keith has no parents. So, Shiro was basically like his guardian. This was Keith's dad. Every. Word. Mattered.

"No, I set up on the floor. Luckily he didn't have any more nightmares that night, and the floor helped out my back." Lance confidently said. Yes, he lied. They did, indeed, spoon most of the night as Keith used Lance as a body pillow. But, what Shiro didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"Did you and Keith do anything else?" Shiro asked.

"Talked about how much we appreciate you as a father figure." Lance said.

"And?" Shiro asked.

"Our clothes stayed on." Lance replied.

"Good boy."

"Thanks Dad."

"Too soon."


"I'm very confused..." Hunk said.

"Keep your innocence, Hunk." Pidge said, very amused with the interaction.

"Did something happen to Keith and Lance? Why would he have to specify he didn't remove his clothing?" Allura asked.

"Hold onto your innocence, princess." Coran said, also slightly intrigued with the situation. "How is Keith condition, anyhow?"

Lance has grabbed a bowl and started serving himself green goo. "Well, he seems a lot better. Not quite his stubborn self yet, but his memory is in tact again, i think. He doesn't remember the last few weeks or his time at the Galra, but everything else is fine. Oh, and I found out that he purrs when you pet his head. Just like a cat." Lance said.

"Really? Do all Galra do that?" Shiro asked.

"Well, I've never had the urge to pet a Galra's head, but I have never heard of such an occurrence. It must just be Keith's adjustment to his new form." Allura explained.

"I. Have. To. Try." Pidge enthusiastically said.

"I also found out that when his ears stand up, he's happy, when they fall, he's either troubled or sad, and when he's neutral, they're at his side," Lance said. "Oh, and don't grab his tail. Apparently it's very sensitive..." Lance blushed. Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Where's Keith? Still sleeping?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, he's been really tired with everything going on. He's definitely not up to piloting the Red Lion today, at least." Lance explained.

"That's alright, today we planned to focus on training anyway." Coran said.

Shiro stood up. "I'm going to go check on him." He said, before leaving the table.

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