Certain Feelings

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He could feel it all. Like an uncontrollable wrath with no source. He was simply angry and didn't even have the ability to think about why. His vision was obscured. He could tell that there was someone in front of him, and that was enough to get him to attack. With every swipe of his claws, his heart felt heavier. And then the words this creature was speaking got through to his heart.

"We're friends. They took you from me. Let's go home."

As the anger began to subside, there was an unbearable ringing in his head. It was vibrating so loudly. Like the high pitched ringing you make when you want to train a dog. It was so loud and painful. Keith could finally see again, and looked up at the creature.

It was Lance. He had bloody scratches all over his face and body. Keith's heart dropped. Lance looked so...angry. His eyes were screaming "you're ugly". "L-Lance?" Keith asked.

Lance bent down with a serious expression, and caressed Keith's cheek. "Wow. I always knew you were Galra, but now I know what a monster you've always been." He said.

Keith let it sink in. "I'm not a monster, I--" Lance kicked Keith in the face. "You're not? You attacked me for no reason. And have you seen yourself? Not a monster? Ha! You're the very definition of a monster." Lance said.

Keith held his cheek, but that wasn't what hurt the most. He could truly hear his heart shattering to bits. But then, he could feel himself shaking.

"Keith...Keith...KEITH!" He heard.

Keith opened his eyes, surprised. He was breathing heavily as he woke up from the worst nightmare he had ever remembered having. Lance got in Keith's line of sight. "Hey. Looks like you were having a nightmare. You okay?" He asked.

Keith just looked at Lance. Keith was taking in the image of Lance's concerned face. Keith staring at him so intensely made Lance blush a little. He self consciously looked away. Keith sat up, shakily. He was still shaken up about that dream. Lance saw this and helped him sit up.

Keith sniffed the air. He saw a streaming hot plate of meat. Keith almost immediately forgot about the dream and his mouth was watering. Lance chuckled. "I bet the Galra weren't feeding you properly. Hunk cooked it up just for you. Everyone's worried about you." Lance said. He brought over the plate to Keith, who was preparing to pounce on it.

Keith dug in to the meat and his face lit up. Lance was mesmerized by his happy expression. It wasn't something Lance was used to seeing. He was just glad that Keith was finally happy after an experience like that, whether it had been something as simple as food that triggered it.

Lance remembered what Shiro told him about Keith having a crush. He had to restrain himself from not asking Keith about it. They had never been super close, so springing such a personal question was not easy on him. But, Keith was still not quite himself. Maybe it would be easier to ask him who he liked while he was in this state.

Lance wasn't sure why he cared so much. Again, they had previously spent their time together arguing and sparring. Lance was definitely not so close to Keith that they could share crushes. He wanted to have the kind of relationship that Keith and Shiro had. He wanted to see Keith's face when he opened up about how he felt. He wanted to hear about how Keith felt about him from Keith not Shiro. Lance shook his head and centered his focus back on reality. Keith was staring at him again. Lance blushed and looked away.

"Take a photo, it'll last longer." Lance teased. Lance looked back in Keith's direction. It was like he was observing him. "Seriously, is there something on my face?"

Lance noticed Keith's Galra ears stand up, as if we just had a revelation or something. Lance's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't deny that Keith looked unbelievably cute. The only other times he'd felt like that was when Keith smiled and laughed. Lance was confused. How exactly did he feel about Keith? And why?

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