Welcome To Hell!😈

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As the door creaked open, you see Charlie smiling. She wore her normal formal clothes, which was black with white sleeves."Hi Charlie! What brings you here cuz?", you asked shocked to see your cousin in heaven. She held her hands together and spoke " Well..uhh..you know, let's just go to your Dad!".You raised an eyebrow and started to quickly get changed.

As you both silently walked to the throne room, you start to grow a bit anxious. Does Charlie know what happened last night?. You were about speak but she stopped and looked into your e/c eyes. You grew a bit anxious at the way she was acting. Charlie then pushed the gigantic door to the throne room. You slowly saw your Father looking at your family photo. You and Charlie started to walk to The King. He suddenly turns around with a worried look in his face. He than spoke trying to hide his fear. "Dear daughter. I...I have something to say". He gestured Charlie to leave and to close the door behind her.

He started to walk towards you and you grew more anxious every time he took a step. "Y/n..I was extremely paralysed of what happened last night...and so to keep you safe..I have decided to keep you with your cousin Charlie until we find out who sent the beast". He said the last part quite quickly. "But doesn't she live in hell? The most dangerous place for angels? you ask him sounding a bit confused. "I know dear...but!..no questions! Zuni please escort her out of the castle!", he sighed. You felt like your Father had just disowned you...or did he really?

Bold- Character talking
Bold & italic- Author
Italic- Someone or You thinking

———Time Skip———
You and Charlie arrived at the hotel she talks about none stop. She said that it's a place to redeem demons. As crazy as it sounds, you are still willing to help her. Charlie then suddenly switched to a silent bean to a chirpy one. "OMG! I can't wait to show you to everyone!!!",she said with a huge smile on her face. She then happily dragged you inside and to the main room. "Guys we have a guest, or should I say new staff!!! she said putting emphasis at the end. As soon as she said that, five demons then emerged out of the dark.

"Guys meet Y/n! My cousin and The one and only Princess of Heaven!!!". You awkwardly smile. Though the people you were smiling didn't look like they were excited to have you. You felt anxiety kick in you. "So your related to the reason why you started this mess?", said a y'all spider like demon. "Yeah...Ahem..Anyways!!! That's Angel if your wondering!", Charlie spoke. "Heya Toots!", he said looking at you up and down making you feel uncomfortable. "Y/n", you manage to say making him stop and smile at you.

You smile back and feel someone tug your dress. You turn around to see a small, little creature smiling at you. It had red hair and one big eye looking at you . "Hi there Miss, I'm Nifty!", she spoke twirling around in her cute 50s vibe dress. You smile at the lovely demon and heard a static sound coming from behind you. You were about to turn around but got pulled into a side hug instead. You look up to see the red demon smiling down at you. "Hello my Dear!", he chirped his voice making your face warm. You were about to reply when Charlie quickly pulled you against her. "Err Okay...That's Husk over there!", she noted pointing at a winged cat. He gave you a quick wave and went back to drinking his booze. You smile and a new voice spoke up. You looked to the side and immediately recognised the girl. "Hi, I'm-VAGGIE! I know", you quickly finished. Her eyes widened and said "H-how do you know?". You simply reply, "Charlie has talked about you sooo much! She sent me pictures of you guys together, she also won't stop telling me how cute-before you could even finish, Charlie swiftly covered your mouth and dashed to your room. You smirked of how red the two girls were and how the other demons were trying to hold in their laughter . I think I'll have a nice time here.

Sorry for the long wait! I hope you and enjoyed. To be continued...

Word count: 764 wow

[ON HIATUS]✰ The Princess of Heaven✰( Hazbin Hotel x  Angel reader😇 ) Where stories live. Discover now