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Andrea's POV:
I would say I'm happy that I don't have to deal with my bullies and the students gossiping about me during holiday breaks. And luckily, I get to go somewhere for summer. I'll explain. It all happened two weeks after detention and after Tracy's suspension, it was the day before the last day of school before summer vacation began.


One day on a Friday night, I was watching Frozen 2, I just finished watching it when I heard a knock at my door. I got up and opened it to see my older sister, Elena. "What is it, Elena?" I asked her, leaning against the door frame with my arms crossed. Elena and I barely talked to each other since she moved to Quantico, Virginia and was so busy with her job as an agent at the F.B.I., Behavioral Analysis Unit, that she rarely visits. So, it was kind of awkward, at least it is for me. And I'll admit, I'm jealous of her because she's normal and no one picks on her, childish I know, but I can't help it. "Andie, mom and dad wants to talk to you in the living room, it's important." Elena said, "Ok, just give me a sec." I said and Elena walks away. 

I turn off my TV and DVD player and walk to the living room. I saw my parents sitting on the couch, which it's weird because I thought they'd be at their jobs since my dad is a businessman who travels, and my mom is a hospital doctor. Dad said as I sat down, "Andrea, we need to talk. Your sister told us that your principal said what's been really going on at school." I widen my eyes in surprise. "Sweetie, are you being bullied?" I just stare at the floor, not saying a word. Then I heard my dad sigh, "Andrea, why didn't you tell us that you were bullied? We could've done something about it." I felt my eyes watering when he said those words. Is he serious?

"You think I didn't try?" I said, looking back up at them as tears slowly began to form. "You think I didn't try?! I did try to tell you guys about it, but you didn't listen to me!" "Don't raise your voice at us young lady!" Mom yells angrily, "And why shouldn't I?!" I yelled in anger as I got up, tears finally from my eyes as my emotions I bottled up for years began to get out. "I've been quiet long enough, and I want to finally say something that I've been bottling up for way too long!" My family didn't say anything as I continue to scream at them. "You guys have no idea what it's like to be different than everybody else! You have no idea how it feels when the people around treat you like a piece of shit just because your different! You guys used to tell me that I'm special! Special for what?! What's so special about me?! Just because my hair and eyes are different the moment I was born?! Or the things I like while growing up?! All I want is to be normal like everyone else, but I knew couldn't even if I tried! And the way you two treated me! You're so focus on your jobs and giving your attention to Ellie because she's normal! But me?! I'm a freak! And I know that you all know that it's true! All I want is someone who understand me and knows how that feels, but I know that there's no one, not a single damn person, in the whole world who knows the same feeling as I do! The only ones who understand how I feel are my friends!"

"Andie, we do understand!" Elena said as she tried to reach me, "We-" "No!" I yelled as I smack her hand away and back away from her and our parents, "You guys don't get it! You'll never get it! I just want someone who'll actually understands me and accepts me for ME! Not out of pity!" I couldn't take it anymore, so I just ran out of the living room back to my room. I locked my door and stayed in there for the rest of the day.


Two days later, that's when they told me that I'm going to my aunt's house. I didn't say anything, but I did agree, I just want to go anywhere away from them for a while. And plus, it's summer vacation from school, so it gives me more time to relax. We arrived at my aunt's house hours later, "Aunt Amy's more than happy to let you stay here for summer, Andie." Elena said, trying to start a conversation. But I just stayed quiet. I didn't talk to her or our parents since my little episode. Elena must've felt awkward about me still not saying anything to her because she just rubbed her arm. "Well, uhh.... just take it easy, honey." Mom said as she kissed my head when she hugs me. Dad and Elena also hug me before they went into the car and drove off with a final wave of goodbye. I just waved back.

Andrea's Twisted Wonderland Adventure: PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now