they're your project partner

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~ They are your project partner ~

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~ They are your project partner ~

On a cold and rainy morning, you were awoken by the loud sound of thunder. It was loud and clear making you jump up in bed in a panic as you look around for the source of the sound.

You place a hand on your chest as you let out a chuckle, it's just the weather. You say to yourself. You rub your eyes as a yawn escapes you, grabbing your phone that was nearby you looked at the time only to groan.

It was still early, 5 am to be more exact. You sigh, you know you won't fall asleep again so why not get ready for school early. Getting out of your bed you stretched with a small smile on your face, at least you'll get to see them.


You were just sitting in class when your best friend, (F/N), comes towards you.

"Hey, do you know the girl (C/N) was with?." They questioned. You furrowed your eyebrows at her.

"A girl?" You never notice the bite in your tone, making your friend cringe slightly while nodding.

"Yeah, she was pushing herself all upon them. Honestly, it was a mess to witness." Your friend scoffs while sitting in the seat next to yours.

You were about to ask more questions but you were cut off by your teacher who 'coughed' loudly, silencing the class.

"Okay class as you may know we are going to have a project about the dangers of climate change and how we as humans can change that."

Some people decided to stop listening after that, and you were one of those people. Instead, you focused on the person only a few rows ahead of you. They paid close attention to the teacher and at that moment you sighed dreamingly.

'I wish they would look at me like that.' You thought.

Suddenly a loud smack was heard and you snapped out of your gaze, your teacher stood in front of you with their hands on your desk.

"Mx. (L/N), I do hope you are paying attention." The teacher said loudly.

Everyone in the class was looking at you and you felt the need to die right then and there. You manage a small nod to the teacher who scoffed and walked to her desk.

"Okay class, now that I have everyone's attention. We can begin the pairings."

You furrow your eyebrows at the last part, pairings?

"We have decided on this project it would be better if you worked with a partner so it will get done faster." Your teacher continued.

You signed in disappointment. You knew that your teacher had something against you, for what? You had no clue. But because of that, you knew that you weren't going to be with your best friend.

You listen, bored, as the teacher listed off the pairings. Until you heard your name being called.

"And finally (Y/N) will be paired with (C/N)." The teacher said smugly. She had successfully torn you and your friend apart. But what she didn't know was that you were suppressing the biggest smile you ever had.


And now here you were, shifting uncomfortably on your bed as your crush tried to explain the details of the project. You found yourself mindlessly staring at them for minutes.

Only getting pulled out of your daydreaming when a hand cupped your chin. You quickly snap your eyes to meet your crush's as they started at your lips.

"W-what-" you were flustered. Why were they doing this?! You close your eyes shut when you saw them beginning to lean closer to you, your heart pounding so loud you were sure that they had heard it.

You felt something brush against the corner of your lips and you immediately open your eyes. You see your crush backing away with a small smile on their lips.

"You had some drool there." You instantly turned red as you cover your mouth with your hand in embarrassment. (C/N) chuckles slightly at you.

"I-im sorry." You apologized. You can't believe you just got caught drooling over your crush. "I p-promise I d-don't do that o-often." They laugh once more and an awkward silence followed after.

"I'm sorry, I made this awkward didn't I-" you were cut off by soft lips placing themselves onto yours. Your eyes widen slightly and hesitantly closed them, trying your best to deepen to kiss. Though after a while you pull away from each other, both of your cheeks red and both breathing heavily.

"So... Wanna be my (boyfriend/girlfriend)?" they asked.

You let out a small giggle and place a quick peck on their lips.

"I thought you'd never ask."


So I know it sucks. But hey it is my first fanfic, I'll get better. Um, yeah. You can request stuff if you want and I'll do my best to do that.

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