losing interest

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~losing interest~

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~losing interest~


You were bored, so very bored. You had no classes because it was a holiday and don't get me wrong, you had no problem with that, in fact, you were quite glad you had no classes since it was getting stressful for you to keep up with the work. But as you sat in your dorm room's living area,  staring blankly at the Tv that was playing some weird commercial that you didn't care for,  you wished you had some sort of task today.

Getting off the couch you make your way to the kitchen. At least you could eat something. Opening cupboards you take out the cereal, before opening the small fridge and taking out an almost empty carton of milk. You quickly take out the other items such as a bowl and spoon and poured your cereal and milk into the bowl.

While doing so you found yourself staring at your roommate's room, you had never really interacted with them and you doubt they would want to interact with you too. But, maybe they had nothing to do also. After you put back everything in its place and then throwing away the now empty carton, you went back to the couch and ate your 'lunch'. 

Later when you had finished your lunch you were now staring at the Tv once again while it played something you didn't care about. But instead of once again going to make something to eat to cure your boredom, you found yourself walking towards your roommate's room.

Taking a deep breath you raise your hand to knock but you were interrupted by the door opening.

"-I'll see you tomorrow, love you!" A girl says as she waved at (C/N), your roommate.

She turned around with a smile but it was quickly gone once she saw you, she was confused as to who you were. You felt your throat clam up, why did you come here again?

It turned into an awkward staring contest pretty quick, with you not knowing what to say and her waiting for you to introduce yourself.

"Huh? You're still here?" A new voice spoke, gaining the attention of both you. There, putting a shirt over their head as they came out of their private bathroom, was (C/N).

His eyes went wide when he saw you.

"Oh, h-hey (Y/N)." He says, now with a small smile.

You nervously chuckle, as you gave out a small 'hey'. You felt so uncomfortable right now that you were regretting not staying on the couch. Why was your face so warm?

"Hello, (Y/N). My names Vanessa, I'm  (C/N)'s girlfriend." Vanessa said with a forced smile. You look at her in surprise, you almost forgot she was here.

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