Low Self-Esteem

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Low self-esteem - not believing that they're capable of being a hero.

This flaw is seen in:

PIPER - She saw herself as nothing more than a daughter of the stupid love goddess. Though in the Blood of Olympus, she embraced her heritage and battled giantess Periboia with her mother, Aphrodite. (Really, girl. There's a reason why you're a hero of Olympus.)

FRANK - He said once that "[he] definitely felt like the LVP (least valuable player)" on the Argo II. However, he showed this flaw less after his mass murdering of the katoblepones of Venice. Now THAT was a fight.

PSYCHE - The goddess of soul had a strong spirit, but she thought very lowly of herself. This enabled her sisters to give her the benefit of doubt about Eros's true identity. This also caused her to try out the Stygian sleep casket, which was meant for Aphrodite.

To deal with this flaw, just give them difficult tasks which you know for certain that they can do.

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