Part 1

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A/N: The guy in the picture is what I imagine Luka to look like


Luka strode confidently down the cold hallway, looking at the other students with his grey eyes. He knew he wasn't a terrifying person with his nerdy glasses but tried to act more like a predator otherwise he would be bullied for the whole time he was at Woodford. Eventually, after some searching, Luka found room 241 and slowly opened the door with the card the headmaster had given him. Inside, two metal beds were on opposite sides of the small room – or rather, cell – with a small wardrobe and desk near each bed. In the corner of the room nearest to the door, Luka could see a smaller door which he guessed was the toilet. A tattooed boy who looked slightly taller than Luka was sprawled across one of the beds holding a porn magazine.

"You must be the newbie, you've got a lot to learn." The boy glared at Luka as he placed his bag onto the other bed, "first off, wipe that cocky smirk off your face. The wolves will eat you alive. Secondly, do not mess with Blade and avoid him at all costs."

"How can I avoid him if I don't know what he looks like?" Luka asked. It seemed a bit stupid to be told to avoid someone if he didn't even know who they were.

"No-one knows what he looks like, but he's the one radiating confidence and power. Likes to keep to himself unless someone aggravates him and doesn't usually go to lessons."

"I'm Luka by the way, what's your name?" Luka's innocent eyes roamed over the boy's body, his hard abs visible through his white t-shirt.


"No, like, what's your real name?" Hawk shot off his bed and slammed Luka into the concrete wall behind him, his arm pressing onto Luka's neck.

"Never, never ask someone their 'real' name newbie," Hawk growled out, releasing Luka and heading out of the door, slamming the metal behind him. Luka slid down the wall gasping for breath.

"I've fucked up big time." He whispered to himself as he set about unpacking his things into the draws provided.

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